With International Participation, MB Holds a Condolence Gathering for Mr. Youssef Nada
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) on Wednesday, 25 December 2024, held a condolence gathering in Istanbul, Turkey, to mourn Eng. Youssef Nada, the group’s former Commissioner for International Relations, who passed away on 22 December 2024 in Lugano, Switzerland, at the age of 93.
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Dr. Salah Abdel Haq’s Address to the Muslim Nation on Eid Al-Adha
In the name of Allah; praise be to Him; and blessings and peace be upon His Messenger, his kinsfolk, companions, and followers: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. La Ilaha Illa Allah. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Wa lillahil Hamd. (Allah is the Greatest…; There is no god but Allah. Allah is the Greatest (2 times) and to Allah all praises belong.) Brothers and sisters in Egypt and the entire Islamic world,
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Müslüman Kardeşler heyeti, Şeyh Hasan Efendi'nin ölümü nedeniyle taziye ziyaretinde bulundu.
Müslüman Kardeşler Genel Mürşid Vekili Dr. Salah Abdulhak ve hareketin ileri gelenlerinden oluşan heyet, Allah'a davet, eğitim ve ilimle dolu bir hayatın ardından 94 yaşında vefat eden
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Al-Aqsa Flood and a special issue of the Da’wa magazine
The second trial issue of the Da’wa Magazine has been published amid the developments of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood launched by the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades along with other Palestinian resistance factions on 7 October 2023, the event that strongly shook the Zionist entity and mobilized its supporters, the event that strongly shook the Zionist entity and mobilized its supporters, who have waged a genocide war against civilians in Gaza that has captured the attention of Muslims across the world.
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MB Media Office Issues Its ‘Official Media–2023’ Book
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has issued a documentary book that includes the MB publications throughout 2023 AD / 1444/1445 AH, titled “Official Media Book–2023”. The book brings together a harvest of statements, press releases, messages, and televised speeches that were published
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El Shehab for Human Rights Issues Annual Report-2023 on Egypt’s Human Rights Violations
El Shehab Center for Human Rights (SHR) has issued its annual report for 2023, tackling the situation of human rights in Egypt. The report has revealed multiple violations against political detainees inside Egyptian prisons and detention centers, with the escalation of cases of arbitrary arrest of citizens with no legal basis, as well as other human rights violations.
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MB Media Spokesperson Calls for Supporting Palestine at the Muslim Youth Conference in Pakistan
Sohaib Abdel Maqsoud, the Muslim Brotherhood Higher Committee member and media spokesperson participated in the activities of the Islami Jamiat Talaba, Pakistan, as he attended the International Youth Conference (29, 30 December) in Karachi, titled “Muslim Youth, Ummah's Hope”.
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Significant Statements by MB Political Bureau on El-Sharq TV
Head of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) Political Bureau Dr. Helmy El-Gazzar has stressed that the solution to the crises that Egypt is currently suffering from is basically a political one; and that societal reconciliation should be the starting point for facing the challenges of the Egyptian affair.
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Müslüman Kardeşler Siyasi Bürosu Sorumlusunun Al-Sharq Kanalında Yaptığı Önemli Açıklamalar
Müslüman Kardeşler Siyasi Büro Sorumlusu Dr. Helmy Al-Gazzar, Mısır'ın yaşadığı krizlerin çözümünün öncelikle siyasi çözümle mümkün olacağını, Mısır’daki sorunun zorluklarıyla mücadele etmenin en başta toplumsal uzlaşma ile olacağını ifade etti.
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Dr. Abdel-Haq Congratulates the Muslim Nation on the Advent of Eid Al-Fitr
I especially congratulate the honourable Egyptian people; and I pray to Allah Almighty to bring these feasts back to Egypt many times and for many years while it enjoys freedom, security and prosperity, after recovering from all that befell it, and to change the Egyptian People’s condition to a much happier one.
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