Dr. Salah Abdel Haq’s Address to the Muslim Nation on Eid Al-Adha
In the name of Allah; praise be to Him; and blessings and peace be upon His Messenger, his kinsfolk, companions, and followers:
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. La Ilaha Illa Allah. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Wa lillahil Hamd. (Allah is the Greatest…; There is no god but Allah. Allah is the Greatest (2 times) and to Allah all praises belong.)
Brothers and sisters in Egypt and the entire Islamic world,
All Muslims everywhere,
It gives me great pleasure to congratulate everyone on the occasion of Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice), and I would like to extend my special congratulations to MB General Guide Dr Mohamed Badie, and our honourable brothers, members of the MB Guidance Bureau, considering that Eid is nothing but a symbol of victory after a struggle.
I also extend my congratulations to our brothers, the Mujahideen in the Land of Ribat in Palestine and the surrounding areas, and those struggling in Egypt, who raise our flags up high, fluttering in the horizon, despite the hardship and adversity they are suffering; as what is with Allah is always better than what is with us.
I also congratulate those enduring and struggling captives behind bars in Palestine and other Arab and Islamic countries. We confirm that we will not remain silent about this situation. We will do everything we can, and spend all our time and effort, so that they may gain their freedom, restore their dignity and pride, live freely in their countries, as masters of their homelands, and choose the forms of government that may suit them. We will speak in their name and demand their rights in every national forum and international gathering, hoping that this will attract (people’s) attention and increase supporters.
We are fully confident that Allah will never let us down, and neither will our glorious, noble, and proud people, as well as the loyal free people of the world who realize that Allah and freedom are inseparable.
In these blessed days, I also extend my congratulations to those who have responded the call of their Lord in performance of Hajj and Umrah, praying to Allah Almighty to accept their worship, and that He may help them fulfil their intention as He helped them in their endeavour and steps, for Allah alone is the one who bestows favour, and He is the One who rewards.
I believe that it is a sign of wisdom and divine destiny that the rituals of the greatest Hajj has coincided with the manifestations of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, so that we may remember that jihad in the way of Allah Almighty is one of the rituals of our religion, and one of the pillars of our call as well. There is no rest with jihad, but rather a great reward and beautiful recompense.
We would like others to know that we will not strive without need, nor take steps without a goal, nor sacrifice without gain, and that we will not hurt without achievement of reform. Our target in this is the interest, and that is sufficient. Allah Almighty has granted freedom to peoples, groups, and individuals, and it is the same that their prophet called for in the past, (Whoever gives himself up to humiliation willingly and not under duress is not one of us). Also, Omar Al-Farouq (may Allah be pleased with him) shouted it one day, and Allah made his words be heard by people for all eternity: “Since when, O Amr (Ibn al-Aas), have you enslaved people, while their mothers gave birth to them free?”
We demand freedom for ourselves and for others as well, for we both need it, including the oppressor and the oppressed: the oppressed to be freed from his prison and chains; and the oppressor to be freed from his injustice and oppression. We are confident that the world needs us when we introduce to them the idea of Islam, which is the loftiest idea; because when people know that they are slaves to Allah alone, oppression and domination become totally eliminated.
When we call the whole world to the call of Allah Almighty -which is the loftiest call- because it gives the world inner peace and outer peace as well. As for the inner peace, it is when you call them to believe in a power in the unseen, choosing for it what is best and most perfect. As for the outer peace, it is when you build for them a state on earth that would establish justice for them. And when we introduce to them the Quran Sharia (law), which is the fairest law, because the Quran is a method of life and a high-level culture, and a comprehensive system as well. It does not contain any reactionary meaning at all, therefore it will not denounce any international agreements, nor will it allow attack on minorities, whether citizens or foreigners, nor will it abolish parliamentary systems of government, nor will it allow revival of any reactionary aspect that contradicts the right principles of civilization, for the Quran is all good, and for that it has established the most just and best of systems. Allah Almighty said: ﴾ And We have not sent you, (O Mohamed), except as a mercy to the worlds. ﴿ (Al-Anbiya: 107).
I would like to say to our brothers in the Land of Ribat in Palestine that the calamity that has befallen you will not harm you, for killing the righteous and the good in this world is not an unusual thing. Read if you wish what Allah says in Surat Al-Baqarah, ﴾ …But is it [not] that every time a messenger came to you, [O Children of Israel], with what your souls did not desire, you were arrogant? And a party [of messengers] you denied and another party you killed. ﴿ (Al-Baqarah: 87). I’d like to say to them that you have fulfilled your duty to Allah, as your destiny has placed you, and that the vigilant nation rarely dies. And you have set an example for those who will come after you with your model and example, and nations are educated by the model and example, not by dictation and severity.
I am confident that it will not be long before the pure history has its say about us, and the honest narrator will one day tell our story, as Allah Almighty says: ﴾ …As for the foam, it vanishes, [being] cast off; but as for that which benefits the people, it remains on the earth. Thus does Allah present examples. ﴿ (Al-Raad: 17).
Also, I’d like to say to our brothers the mujahideen stationed everywhere, do not ever feel desperate, for despair is not among the morals of believers. We will continue to educate ourselves until we become good Muslim individuals, educate our people until they become good Muslim people. We will proceed together to complete the path that we have set for ourselves, indeed that which Allah has set for us. We will pursue achievement of glory while filled with hope. Indeed, Allah is our sole source of help; and over there, the dawn is gazing at us from afar. The last of our call will be, "Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds!".
May Allah make these days come back to you while you are in the best conditions.
Allah Is the Greatest; and May Praise Be to Allah
Your brother,
Dr. Salah Abdel Haq
Acting Muslim Brotherhood General Guide
(Saturday, 9 Dhul-Hijjah 1445 AH / 15 June 2024 AD)