Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Unjust Trials for Leaders of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Unjust Trials for Leaders of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami

Translation of the Brotherhood’s statement condemning political trials targeting Islamists in Bangladesh, urging all relevant organizations to do their duty and halt violations of human rights.

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Tunisia: Ennahdha Party Statement on Events in Bangladesh
Media Statements

Tunisia: Ennahdha Party Statement on Events in Bangladesh

Following the dead sentence issued on 28 February 2013 against scholar Sheikh Delwar Hossain Sayedee, deputy leader of the Jamaat Islami of Bangladesh and former member of parliament, Ennahdha Party:

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Freedom and Justice Party Statement Concerning Demands for Reform of Judiciary
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Statement Concerning Demands for Reform of Judiciary

The FJP believes it is essential Egyptian judiciary law is debated and passed to effect the changes judges have demanded for long decades.

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Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Statement Condemns Iraqi Government Use of Violence
Media Statements

Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Statement Condemns Iraqi Government Use of Violence

The Muslim Brotherhood strongly supports the Iraqi people's rights and freedoms, and condemns the repressive approach adopted by the Iraqi government towards peaceful demonstrators, killing and injuring many innocent citizens.

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Egypt Muslim Brotherhood: Iraq Bombings, Brutality and Criminality Must Stop
Media Statements

Egypt Muslim Brotherhood: Iraq Bombings, Brutality and Criminality Must Stop

Brotherhood statement strongly denounces latest heinous bombings to hit Iraq cities, killing and injuring scores of innocent civilians.

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Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Electoral Legitimacy Martyrs
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Electoral Legitimacy Martyrs

Yet more innocent, honorable Brothers fall in horrific and totally unjustified attacks by old regime figures who hire the most hardened criminals to kill and maim in a desperate attempt to roll back time.

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FJP: Modern States Respect Ballot-box, Refuse Military Coups
Media Statements

FJP: Modern States Respect Ballot-box, Refuse Military Coups

A statement by the Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing, the FJP, condemns a military ultimatum which sidetracks the President of Egypt, the Armed Forces’ Supreme Commander, and the millions of pro-Morsi pro-democracy demonstrators willing to defend popular and electoral legitimacy.

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FJP: We Will Face Military Coup; Will Not Collaborate with Power Usurpers
Media Statements

FJP: We Will Face Military Coup; Will Not Collaborate with Power Usurpers

A corrupt and brutal police state and an exceedingly repressive regime is in the making in Egypt as hundreds of thousands of peaceful pro-democracy protesters are attacked viciously with hatred and vengeance all over the country.

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Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Friday, 5 July Demonstrations
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Friday, 5 July Demonstrations

The Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing, the FJP, reaffirms its total rejection of the military coup in Egypt and vows to continue protest activities, along with millions of pro-democracy Egyptians, until it restores power to the legitimate, elected President.

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Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Republican Guard HQ Massacre of Peaceful Protesters
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Republican Guard HQ Massacre of Peaceful Protesters

FJP strongly condemns the massacre of unarmed demonstrators outside the presidential guard compound in Cairo where the illegitimate coup regime’s police and army killed and injured hundreds.

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