Muslim Brotherhood Condemns Suicide Bombing in Lahore, Pakistan
The Muslim Brotherhood condemns the suicide bombing in a public park in Lahore, Pakistan, on Sunday, which killed and wounded hundreds of innocent people.
The group affirms that its doctrine and its understanding of Islam, as taught by Mohamed, the Prophet of mercy (peace be upon him), makes it clear that the perpetrator of this bombing amid a group of innocent people, killing dozens, wounding hundreds and terrorizing even more innocent citizens, whatever his intention, has indeed violated God's law as revealed in the Holy Quran and detailed in Islamic Sharia.
This bombing is equal to the act of killing innocent Muslims and non-Muslims in Myanmar or anywhere in the world.
We offer our condolences to the families of those killed and injured, and to the people and government of Pakistan, asking God to guide the nation's youth to the correct understanding of Islam.
Muslim Brotherhood
Cairo: Monday - March 28, 2016