Muslim Brotherhood: No Compromise, No Reconciliation with Murderous Coup Regime
To the patriotic men and women of the Revolution...
With every new revolutionary wave, false rumors are spread alleging the start of negotiations, understandings or agreements. Each time, the Muslim Brotherhood reaffirms and reiterates that:
- We will not negotiate with the murderers and criminals.
- We will not compromise on the rights of martyrs, prisoners, the wounded and all those tragically impacted by the junta and its coup.
- We will not compromise on the legitimacy of our elected President Mohamed Morsi.
- We will not compromise on the full rights of all the Egyptian people.
This all is a matter for the people, about which no group, body or institution has the right to get into agreements or understandings. This is a matter for the courageous people determined to complete the Revolution until the end.
Our message to hypocrites, impostors and liars: We shall meet in liberty squares across Egypt.
This is only a matter of time.
Muslim Brotherhood
Cairo: Saturday – January 23, 2016