Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Arab Summit
The Muslim Brotherhood's history has always proved the group is and will remain at the forefront of organizations and forces of the Arab nation watchful for and keen to protect the interests of Arab peoples and to support all their issues, sacrificing for the sake of Muslim and Arab homelands' freedom, dignity and independence.
On this important occasion, the 25th Arab League Summit, the Muslim Brotherhood would like to underscore the following guiding principles, points and values:
1 – The Brotherhood hopes Arab leaders' Summit resolutions will serve the interests of the Arab nation and fulfill the aspirations of the Arab peoples, and that this session will provide strong support to effective joint Arab action.
2 - The most important issue of Arabs and Muslims – Palestine – specially the status of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, is currently passing its most dangerous stages, its most serious threats – a deliberate attempt to end it in the enemy's favor. Arab leaders are the first to understand and appreciate these dangers and threats. We, therefore, hope summit resolutions will help further the interests of Arabs and Muslims, and support the Palestinian people's legitimate resistance, so as to achieve their objectives and maintain their well-deserved rights, and lift the unjust siege imposed on our people in Gaza – the land of steadfastness, dignity and pride.
3 - The Brotherhood reiterates its permanent approach in the call to God, with wisdom and good counsel, and endures for that all trials and tribulations that may befall the group, without deviating from or abandoning that peaceful approach in all action.
This approach is in fact a guiding principle in which the organization believes firmly, one of its constants as its history has always confirmed.
The Brotherhood would like to highlight to the leaders gathered for the Summit in the State of Kuwait that the military coup in the Arab Republic of Egypt on July 3, 2013 was a serious and flagrant violation of the rights of the Egyptian people and the democratic legitimacy they chose, affirmed and reaffirmed evidently in five free and fair elections and referendums lauded by the whole world for their transparency and integrity, and in which all political colors in Egypt participated.
The coup therefore forcibly removed a freely elected legitimate authority and abolished the Constitution approved by the Egyptian people, freely and fairly, and with the participation of all political currents. Furthermore, this willful and ruinous coup has caused a tragic rupture in the society with negative repercussions and calamitous effects on the situation throughout the country. The Brotherhood calls upon the assembled leaders not to approve or accept the latest processes and actions in Egypt and instead take steps to restore usurped rights to the Egyptian people.
4 - Every Arab and Muslim, every free man and woman and everyone who loves humanity and justice, finds the developments of the Syrian crisis most painful and dismaying. The ruling regime in Syria is committing horrendous crimes – killing, forcible displacement and bloodshed, denounced by all honorable peoples of the world.
The Brotherhood confirms its full support of the Syrian people's right to choose their own regime and to live in freedom and dignity. It appeals to the assembled leaders to take all practical measures to put an end to the bloodbath and the ongoing terrible tragedy, beginning with the formation of an Arab Security Force as a first step to restore stability in Syria, and to develop a practical roadmap to enable the people to choose the system of government they want – freely and fairly.
5 - It is no secret that the situation in many Arab countries is deteriorating rapidly today, amid tremendous turmoil and unrest, exposing the interests of their peoples and territorial integrity to severe dangers, and jeopardizing Arab national security.
Therefore, the Brotherhood calls upon assembled leaders to take action and draw programs to deal with these situations, in order to safeguard the unity of our communities and in order to preserve and protect our countries from the dangers of fragmentation and division, and to meet the demands of their peoples for freedom, justice and human dignity.