Tunisia: Ennahdha Party Statement on Events in Bangladesh
1. Expresses its deep regret and concern over the state of public liberties in Bangladesh particularly the repressive security crackdown on the leaders and supporters of the Islamic movement which has led to the killing of tens of peaceful protesters against the repressive policies adopted by the authorities against the Islamic opposition.
2. Strongly condemns the policy of mass liquidation used by the authorities against the Jamaat Islami of Bangladesh and the political trials which seek to silence all dissident voices.
3. Expresses its full solidarity with Sheikh Delwar Hossain Sayedee and his fellow detainees held for false charges dating back to 1971 when they had stood against the division of Pakistan and the separation of Bangladesh.
4. Calls on all international organisations and human rights associations to raise their voices against these dangerous violations and unjust policies.
5. Expresses its support of the right of the Bengali people, with its diverse political and intellectual trends, to practice their freedoms with no restriction or compulsion.
Ennahdha Party Chairman
Rached Ghannouchi