Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Wednesday’s Clashes Outside Presidential Palace
The Muslim Brotherhood offers sincere condolences to the families of five of our finest youths, Martyrs, assassinated by the treacherous hands of hooligans and terrorists collaborating in a vicious plot to overthrow the legitimate regime, override popular will and abort the revolution. Indeed, some of those were caught red-handed trying to storm the Presidential Palace.
In fact, an armed unit was arrested trying to take over the Presidential Palace. They are now being questioned by the prosecution service. This palace is a symbol of the state and its sovereignty, and the headquarters of the elected President.
The Muslim Brotherhood, together with a number of popular parties, groups and movements, joined a peaceful demonstration outside the palace to express their support for the legitimacy of the President and the regime.
They also wanted to express their resolve to complete the process of building constitutional State institutions, to complete the referendum on the draft constitution, and to participate in the forthcoming parliamentary elections.
The Brotherhood and the parties and patriotic citizens who joined them were attacked by crowds of thugs armed with all kinds of firearms, knives and swords, Molotov cocktails, tear-gas and stones.
There were also snipers who killed five of our young supporters, while 1,500 suffered serious injuries.
If anything, this shows that the conspiracy has been completed. It began with the torching of Muslim Brotherhood and Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) headquarters in a number of provinces, something which is still ongoing.
Only yesterday, Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Ismailia, Suez and Cairo were burnt down. There were attempts to torch our offices in Damietta, too.
Then things got even more vicious, with attacks on individuals, which sadly led to the losses described above.
The plot ended with an attempt to storm the presidential palace in order to topple the regime and oust the legitimate head of state. This was aborted when pro-Morsi demonstrators sacrificed their lives and shed their blood to protect the legitimacy of the revolution and popular will.
What happened Wednesday is an extension of the sacrifices made by the Egyptian people, including the Muslim Brotherhood, since January 25, 2011. Such sacrifices will continue in order to achieve the objectives of the revolution.
The plot foiled yesterday was made by those who fought against the revolution and conspired and continue to conspire against it, with money plundered from the Egyptian people and money they receive from foreign powers.
In all their desperate endeavors, they are commanded by corrupt fugitives abroad, in addition to a group of politicians who put their own interests high above supreme national interests. Indeed, he is not a true politician who uses or instigates violence; and he is not a real revolutionary who uses firearms against his countrymen.
To media outlets that hide the facts and fabricate falsehoods, we say: "Don’t you see that all the martyrs are from the Brotherhood, and that attacks on headquarters are focused on the Muslim Brotherhood?
"The criminal attack on Sobhi Saleh, the lawyer and peaceful politician, and the failed attempt to kill him after he was injured in the initial assault, by trying to put him on the rails under an approaching train, only to be saved by passing citizens, shows how brutal these thugs are."
Although we succeeded in foiling their plot Wednesday, we do not think they will give up. This requires our utmost vigilance and caution, so we can eliminate the entire plot and put those involved in it on trial.
In conclusion, we once again offer our condolences to the families of our martyrs and those who were injured, wishing them a speedy and full recovery.
Muslim Brotherhood
December 6, 2012