Statement of National and Islamic Parties, Groups and Movements in Gaza Strip
National and Islamic parties express deep appreciation for the Palestinian people’s steadfast resistance against the latest Israeli aggression, offer sincere condolences to the Palestinian people as well as the Arab and Muslim world for the tens of martyrs who have fallen during the inhuman Israeli military machine’s onslaught, and wish a speedy recovery to the injured.
They are especially proud of the valiant resistance which promptly responded to the Israeli offensive, and reaffirm that all the Palestinian people stand united behind the brave resistance.
National and Islamic parties and groups urged President Abu Mazen to hold an immediate meeting with them, to discuss ways to confront Israeli aggression, thwart its objectives and develop appropriate mechanisms for the implementation of the reconciliation agreement.
They appreciate the significantly important visit by Hisham Qandil, Egyptian Prime Minister, to the Gaza Strip, and call on Arab and Muslim countries and peoples to shoulder their responsibilities to stop the brutal onslaught.
They lay the full responsibility on the international community for the consequences resulting from the continued Zionist aggression, stressing that the time when the Palestinians pay the price of Israeli raids is over.
National and Islamic Parties, Groups and Movements in the Gaza Strip