Following Assault on Aid Ships, MB Calls for an End to Israel's Crimes Against Humanity
Once again, Israel’s arrogant practices expose its true irreversible aggressive nature. First, it committed its brutal crime against Freedom Flotilla-1 killing nine Turks on the Marmara vessel and towing it into Ashdod port, a matter which sparked worldwide rage. However, as usual, Israel ignored world anger and disregarded the provisions of international law, UN conventions, humanitarian law, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights because of the blind support of America and Europe it enjoys.
Today, Israel intercepted Freedom flotilla-2 by inciting European countries against it. Unfortunately, most of these European countries bowed down to Israeli pressure and urged their agents to destroy the vessels docked at the Greek port. When Al-Karama ship, one of the ten ships, was able to escape and set sail from France to Gaza to break the 5-year siege on the people of Gaza strip, the Israeli navy intercepted and attacked the vessel in international waters, towing it into Ashdod port, and detaining and deporting the activists.
Despite the brutality of the crime, be it piracy, imposing the siege, or violation of laws and rights, governments have remained silent not even voicing public condemnation, a matter which represents another crime on the part of these governments, which should have rather sided with the truth, justice, and peace. Even France, which the ship had raised its flag and had citizens on board, didn’t object or blame its spoiled Israeli friend.
Hence, we call on France and all Western countries, for the sake of their interests, to reconsider their policies in the region, especially as it is taking on a new form, and to build impartial relations with its people.
On the other hand, as Arabs and Muslims, we hold primary responsibility towards the Palestinian cause which is jeopardizing the national security of our countries. We must put an end to the policies of humiliation and subordination of our former regimes and take on responsibility and unite for the sake of restoring our rights, supporting the oppressed, and purifying our sacred lands. In these terms, we are primarily addressing Egyptians.
We must also seek to unite the Palestinians, open the Rafah border-crossings permanently for the access of humans and goods, and break the siege to save the lives of our fellow brothers in Gaza.
We must also continue to expose Israeli crimes to the world in an effort to end the blind support of their heinous crimes
Finally, we must all remain steadfast together on the path of God and resort to Him to attain his support and victory.
Muslim Brotherhood
Cairo, Egypt
July 20, 2011