The American-Israeli anti-Islam Project
The American supported Israeli power seeks to pass its global plan to obliterate the Palestinian right through unconditional negotiations. At the same time people in Iraq and Afghanistan are drowning in their blood and suffering from extreme political chaos.
The innocent elderly, children, and youth pay the price of the false US liberation as the US-Israeli chaos continues to spread reaching Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria and Pakistan.
The call of the Muslim Brotherhood not only targets rites, but it is comprehensive in the sense that it covers all aspects of life hence those who adopt the American-Israeli project were forced to concoct something for the MB to distort the image of the MB as a group and members at the political, press and security levels.
In the light of this, we would like to highlight the following;
Firstly: the Comprehensive approach of the MB:
1- The MB is a "Global Islamic Institution" which follows the approach of Islam in general and in details in which there is no distinction between advocacy, educational, charitable and political work.
2- The hardships that the MB endures and the sacrifices made are not only a result of a political disagreement with the successive regimes, but it is a nature of the Constitutional struggle against any corruption and tyranny. The Movement's members will however stoically continue in order to achieve comprehensive reform and general development. This action will be followed by tests and hardships which will only be endured by the true ones.
3- The MB will not be distracted by the attempts of the press to deter their planned strategies and remember the will of the martyr Imam Hassan el-Banna who stressed to the MB members "Do not let the terms elude you from facts, the names from the goals, and the superficial from the essence. Islam has policies of happiness in life and good in the hereafter and this is our policy which we will exchange for no other so get used to it and encourage others to adopt it in order to win the pride, and you will know that after a while".
Secondly: Palestine is Islamic:
1- The Palestinian case is an essential matter concerning the whole Islamic nation. There will be no compromise for the land with any Arab, Islamic or Palestinian parties. In fact Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims will not accept compromise on the Palestinian lands.
2- Negotiation attempts to achieve the alleged peace is a waste of time and is wasting the Palestinian right; as long as the occupying enemy continues to impose its conditions terrorising the whole Palestinian nation the resistance against the Israeli enemy remains the only acceptable option.
3- Hamas is a Palestinian resistance movement based on the MB's principle approach and their Islamic vision and it manages its affairs independently. The relationship between it and other moderate Islamic movements is an intellectual and ideological relationship, far from the attempts to question the identity of the movement and its original Palestinian loyalties.
The false American democracy:
1- The crimes committed by the US in Iraq have become clear with security, economic followed by political chaos after the recent elections.
2- Participants in the Iraqi political process must be aware that there is an attempt to use them for the American occupation project which aims at causing more chaos in Iraq and later the whole region.
3- International organizations and institutions should seek real monitoring of the military operations launched by the US and its allies against the innocent civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq to reveal the true capacity of the dire human rights situation which are the consequences of these operations.