Egypt's Brotherhood calls for the end of violence and bloody clashes in Nigeria.
Dr Mohamed Badie chairman of the group called for the cease of violence in Nigeria. "We ask the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the African Union to intervene to stop such the massacres of innocent people. He added, "We want to remind the Nigerian people of the Muslim's and Christian's religious values which call for tolerance, coexistence and solidarity to confront the already existing dangers facing Nigeria such as poverty, unemployment and oppression". Badie emphasized the importance of investigating the causes behind these clashes in an attempt to end violence and restore unity.
Christians and Muslims fought for days earlier in the week in Nigeria, burning and looting homes, churches and mosques and forcing thousands to flee. "We ask the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the African Union to intervene to stop such massacres of innocent people".
New York-based Human Rights Watch, citing local civil society leaders, said the violence was carried out by sectarian mobs armed with guns, bows and arrows, and machetes.