Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

MB statement regarding latest Israeli oppression.

MB statement regarding latest Israeli oppression.

 In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful

 The Palestinian suffering seems to never end the with the shortage of food, medication, fuel and shelter. However they continue to stoically face their misfortune with head held high even remembering their fellow sufferers the most recent in Haiti and calling for their support and aid.

In a new bout of aggression oppression and tyranny, the Israeli's have opened the floodgates of one of its dams in the eastern part of the Gaza Strip, flooding Palestinian houses and causing severe damage.

 The Israel authorities opened the dam's floodgates without any warning or coordination with local authorities in Gaza, stunning the residents of the area where there has been heavy rain in the region over the past 24 hours. It seems the Israelis could not handle the huge amount of rainwater and decided to open the floodgates without prior warning.

Since Gaza is located in a low-lying area and the elevation decreases on the way to the Mediterranean Sea, water gushed into the area, flooding two Palestinian villages and displacing a hundred Gazan families.

This drives us to question the human conscience at a time when money is collected to shelter and protect animals while one and a half million Palestinians in Gaza are under siege for numerous years. The unfortunate Gazans are facing disaster after disaster while we silently observe. I ask where the Arab and Muslim conscience is as unfortunate men, women and children in Gaza suffer and continue to suffer.  

Time has come to move and take action supporting our brothers in Palestine before Allah the Almighty sends his angry wrath.


{Help ye one another in righteousness and piety but help ye not one another in sin and rancor}

Dr Mohamed Badie

Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood

19th January 2010.