Askar demands the transfer of Ghali to the Ethics Committee after blasphemy.
Sheikh Sayyed Askar, member of the Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary bloc, submitted an urgent statement to Parliament concerning the news published in the press. MP Boutros Ghali, the Minister of Finance, issued comments which were offensive to Islam the official religion of the nation. Comments were made during the meeting of the Plan and Budget Committee which discussed the problem of Al-Hagana housing. This is another scandal which is clear evidence of the government’s corruption.
Boutros committed a number of crimes including breaking the oath made to become a member of the Parliament and Minister which entails his transfer to the Ethics Committee as an MP.
It is expected that the President intervene to remove him from the ministry in order for him to be tried for his use of inappropriate and manipulating speech. The offensive comments were contradicting to the national unity which is preserved by the great Egyptian people.