Abdul Monem Abdul Maksoud: The continued detention of Abul Fotouh is nothing but a settling of scores.ِ
The Supreme Court in Cairo today ordered for the unjust renewal of Dr Abdul Monem Abul Fotouh, Dr Gamal Abdul Salam, Eng. Ahmed Ali Abbas, and Eng. Khaled Alsayed Beltagy a further fifteen days. Reda Fahmy one of the movement's leaders was issued a release order.
The renowned case no.404 of 2009 has previously ordered the release of all the detainees but the orders were defied by State Security. In a statement to the brotherhood's official website Ikhwanonline Abdul Monem Abdul Maksoud the group's prominent defense lawyer has asserted that "The interrogations with the detainees have in fact ended months ago and the continued detention is a violation of the constitution. Detainees have received numerous release orders but all were ignored clearly proving that the detentions are merely a settling of scores serving certain politicians". He continued "There is no basis for the continued detention of Dr Abdul Monem Abul Fotouh or any other member".