The Muslim Brotherhood and latest incidents:(Clarification from Executive Bureau)
Firstly: The Executive Bureau while working on its agenda to appoint a new member on its board (after the death of one of its member's), faced minor difference of opinions in regards to methods of appointing a new board member which were quickly resolved demonstrating mature dialogue and understanding between the Brotherhood's members.
Secondly: In regards to the Chairman Mohamed Mahdy Akef's resignation a statement was issued from the Executive bureau by the Movement's deputy Dr Mohamed Habib in addition to a complete explanation on Monday October 19, 2009.
These points were stressed:
The Chairman Mohamed Mahdy Akef has not at any time handed in his resignation or intends on doing so at any time. He is currently cooperating with members of the board and working on the agreed agenda. No rumours or attempts by the media will deter the movements' members from doing their duty and accomplishing any assignments planned. Their main cause is to serve Islam, the Muslims and the Muslim World.
There is complete harmony and understanding among the Bureau's members and the Brotherhood's leaders and any difference of opinion will not and has not affected the brotherly relationship which the movement is known for. The Brotherhood highly respects its chairman and appreciates fully the unwavering efforts and energy in which he undertakes all of his responsibilities.
We call on all the Brotherhood's members to continue with their admirable efforts and ensure the success of the movement's cause and not be affected by any trivial campaigns or rumours by the media or any other individual since our goals are targeted at successfully reforming and promoting peace, freedom, and progress in the entire Muslim world.
( فَأَمَّا الزَّبَدُ فَيَذْهَبُ جُفَاءً وَأَمَّا مَا يَنْفَعُ النَّاسَ فَيَمْكُثُ فِي الْأَرْضِ )
(الرعد: من الآية17)