Jordan: IAF condemn the deafening silence of Arab leaders over invasion by Israelis troops of the Aqsa Mosque.
The Islamic Action Front in Jordan organized a sit-in condemning the barbaric invasion by Jewish radicals and Israeli troops of Al-Aqsa mosque last week.
Slogans were chanted criticizing the silence of the Arab world concerning the invasion, demanding the breaking of ties and closing of the Israeli embassy in Amman, which signed a peace treaty in 1994 with Israel. Banners and photos were raised by the protesters in solidarity with Palestinians. Participants called for extending all types of support to the Palestinians, especially those in Jerusalem, to help them in the face of the Israeli violations.
Hamza Mansour, spokesperson for the IAF (Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan) parliamentary bloc emphasized that "the Jewish attack on Al Aqsa Mosque and the holy sites in Jerusalem is not something new. There have been several attempts to destroy the mosque and all should shoulder the responsibility to defend Jerusalem and the holy sites," and continued that "negotiations with the Israelis is a 'trap' and all Arab regimes must exert all efforts to end the siege imposed on the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip."