Annan's allegations do not reflect the Kefaya movement's ideology.
The Kafaya movement denied allegations made by Dr Hani Annan a former member of the Kafaya movement who alleged on the "Manshet" show broadcast on " ON satellite" TV that the Brotherhood's rise to power would lead to instability in the region. He supported his allegations with claims that "The Brotherhood movement will replace the current constitution with the Islamic law turning it into another Iran".
Dr Abdul Halim Kndeel the General co-coordinator of the Kafaya movement has rejected these accusations claiming that Annan's statements "Do not reflect the Kafaya movement's ideology" Kndeel added that the statements made were in fact Annan's personal opinion and had nothing to do with the Kafaya movement. In all reality Annan has left the Kafaya movement for nearly 2 years. Kndeel explained that the Kafaya movement had initially been established to co-exist and co-operate with other opposing parties and movements including that of the Muslim Brotherhood who although differed in some details united in their opposition of the ruling regime.
Dr Annan had asserted that he supported the transition of power to Gamal Mubarak the president's son and this in fact contradicts the basis of the movement where banners have been lifted and mottos reiterated by Kafaya opposing the "hereditary succession of Mubarak".
Mohamed Abdul Quddus Rapporteur of the civil Liberties Committee confirmed Dr Kndeel's justification adding that these were solely the view of Annan who has been absent from the political scene for some time. He emphasized if Annan had been circulating with the present movements he would have been able to appreciate that the Muslim Brotherhood adopt a no violence policy advocating the respect of public opinion, and freedom of speech, where the rise of power will only be successful through peaceful political reform reflected by the public through ballot boxes.