MB Statement on the “Day of Rage” April 6th, 2009
The MB, whose roots extend all across Egypt, the honorable people of Egypt and their elected representatives in the parliament, which the regime has deprived of its role and influence, all affirm their fixed stance regarding Egyptian people’s right to enjoy their legal and constitutional rights.
Strikes, peaceful protests, and demonstration of anger are among citizens’ basic, constitutional and legal rights that should not be hampered or made void of their serious meaning.
Egyptian youth are this nation’s hope in reform that will lead it out of its crisis, build its bright future, and attain its national security as they are who will stand up for its issues, especially the Palestinian.
The MB calls on the Egyptian people to express their rage on April 6th and protest against the regime’s policies and practices which have wasted the country’s wealth, forsaken its national security, and dispossessed Egypt of its leading role, using all peaceful means and according to constitutional and legal guidelines while preserving public and private money and property and avoiding any destructive acts during these peaceful activities.
The Muslim Brotherhood
Rabi’ El-Akhir 6, 1430 AH
April 2, 2009