MB Press Release on the Brutal Israeli Assaults on Gaza
Since decades, the Muslim Brotherhood has been following up on the events in Palestine and have resisted side by side with their Palestinian brothers all attempts of Israeli invasion, aggression, tyranny, and terrorism against the Palestinian people in the land of Palestine. After threatening to eliminate resistance, especially the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, the Israeli settlers now carry out their criminal operations attacking Palestinians in Gaza leaving hundreds of women and children killed and thousands injured and spreading destruction. Unfortunately, however, Arab and Islamic regimes remain silent, some even conspiring and conniving with Israelis in this bloody catastrophe after Israeli terrorist statements were made loud and clear from Cairo with officials" consent.
The MB strongly declares its refusal of these criminal attacks, terrorist practices, plots and conspiracies that are being plotted in the night against the Palestinian resistance, Hamas" fighters, and their brothers in the remaining Palestinian factions.
The MB calls on:
- All Arabs and Muslims, especially the Egyptian people, to rise, in support of the people of Palestine and make sacrifices for the sake of Palestine"s holy shrines, against the criminal Israelis, grave silence, and connivance on the part of most of the Arab and Islamic regimes which the enemy is taking advantage of in its attacks on Palestinian resistance and brutal massacres against the unarmed Palestinian people.
- Arab and Islamic parliaments to take responsibility, side with the people, and abandon the so-called peace agreements with the Israeli enemy.
- Arab and Islamic regimes to carry out their duties by:
1- Siding with their people in their refusal of this Israeli tyranny and lending their hands to their brothers in Palestine.
2- Severing relations or any form of direct communications with the Israeli enemy and expelling its ambassadors wherever they are.
3- Executing the articles of the Joint Arab Defense Agreement for defending Palestine.
4- Providing the Palestinian people with weapons for resistance to enable them to defend their land, honor, and holy shrines.
5- Arab and Islamic people as well as all free people around the world to a populist world movement in the form of demonstrations in the capitals and major cities of these countries on Monday, the 1st of Muharram, as a protest against the Israeli attacks which ring the bell of a world war no one knows its end.
The Muslim Brotherhood
29 Dhul-Hijja, 1429
December 27, 2008