Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Rights Activists Call For the Release of Musaad Abu-Fagr

Rights Activists Call For the Release of Musaad Abu-Fagr

Hisham Mubarak Law Center and a group of the political and human rights activists filed a complaint to the Prosecutor General calling for the immediate release of political activist Musaad Abu Fagr after the release order he received at the beginning of this month.


Abu Fagr was arrested in December 2007 on charges of organizing and participating in Sinai protests. He received many decisive judicial release rulings; however the Ministry of Interior refused to release him and issued arrest warrants against him and his fellow activists Yahia Abu Nasirah since February 16, 2008.


Abu Nasirah and Abu Fagr have been subject to administrative detention since that date. The Interior Ministry refused to release them despite many release orders passed by state security emergency courts according to emergency law.