Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

MB Says Islamabad Bombings Are Criminal Acts That Contradict Islam Values

MB Says Islamabad Bombings Are Criminal Acts That Contradict Islam Values

Muslim Brotherhood condemned, through Dr.Mohamed Habib (Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Chairman), the bombings that hit the Pakistani capital, Islamabad on Saturday leaving at least 60 killed and dozens wounded.


Habib confirmed the MB’s condemnation of this act and all other acts that contradict with the values of Islam which prohibit killing innocent people.


“We confirm that there is no one patriot who loves his country can commit such an act or cause his country such instability,” Habib said.

Habib offered MB condolences to the families of the victims and the Pakistani people, and he prayed to God to protect the Islamic countries from such  criminal acts, accusing those who committed such an act of having sinful hands.  


“There is no excuse for those who commit such criminal acts, but they expose the security in their country to a state of instability imposing emergency laws on it.” He added.

The violent bombings in the Pakistani capital targeted a hotel in the central of the Pakistani capital,
Islamabad, and according to press sources Pakistani authorities said that the preliminary figures reached 60 dead and 100 injured. The attack was carried out by a truck loaded with explosives in which the driver managed to break into the main gate of the hotel, which is fortified and surrounded by multiple checkpoints.