Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Morsi Condemns Algeria Tragic Blasts

Morsi Condemns Algeria Tragic Blasts

Chairman of Muslim Brotherhood Political Department Mohamed Morsi condemnded in a statement to Ikhwanweb the suicide bombings that hit the Algerian towns Issers and Bouira on Tuesday and Wednesday, killing 54 and wounding 76 according to official figures.


Morsi described the bombings as “a horrific terrorist attack” and expressed his condolences to the families of the dead and the Algerian people.


“Bloodshed constitutes a huge obstacle in the way of peaceful reform,” he said. “Groups responsible for these kinds of attacks have nothing to do with true Islam and must be eradicated.”


Morsi warned against a new wave of violence in Algeria and said the attacks should not disrupt Algerian national peace and reconciliation.