Maat suggests that the Government may resign and Emergency Representatives may Lose Confidence.
Maat suggests that the Government may resign and Emergency Representatives may Lose Confidence.
Maat center followed up parliament sessions the day before yesterday- Sunday- the session, which witnessed the agree of the National Party"s majority on extending Emergency Law enforcement for the coming two years, while on the other side opposition representatives, independent representatives, and Muslim Brotherhood representatives refuse this extension. In addition, representatives Ragab Helal Hameeda agreed and justify his situation using the principle of " a part is good is better than all bad", he also justify his situation as he is fear from making up Terrorism Law. He added that we must notice Emergency Law"s advantages, the most important of which are that opposite journals never closed, the emerging of about 24 new parties, and the existence of 115 opposite representatives in the parliament- 88 of which are Muslim Brothers-, and applying law for politicians in the narrower limits. In addition, he repeated governmental phrases about the importance of protect state"s stability and security, like the previous Nasery representative Haider Baghdady who supported the amendment of article N.76 of the constitution.
The center finds no scope to speak about disadvantages of the suspected law, which governed Egypt since October 1981 without pause. In addition, it cannot imagine that organizations supporting rights and freedoms will repeat their condemnation and denunciation for demolishing Egyptian people again; using an exception became a rule governed the relation between government, parliament, and people. Those people of which 100 thousands members were detained during the previous quarter a century. However, the center announces clearly in interaction with words of parliament"s speaker inside the parliament "we will renew enforcing the law while we hate this" and the center said, "the government that cannot manage people mercifully, without the stick, and that cannot treat people respectfully without humiliation …should resigned at once"…
We know that governed Egypt using exceptional laws did not secure stability for state or for government as well, and under such laws citizen regards security man as "unfriendly one" -we do not wish to say "enemy"-, so the saying that "police serves people" is absent. The observer shall notice scenes of haphazardly detention in Sinai and Shobra Alkheema, and other places after some terrorist actions done in Egypt to know that Emergency case harmed innocents, crashed freedoms, damaged civil and political rights, and exposed many continued violations of cultural, social, and economical rights although "Emergincy" was protecting atmosphere of stability to let the government work freely and do what ever it wishes with the state.
On the other hand, the representatives who accept were appeared in a photograph, in newspapers yesterday, as if they were irritating people and representatives who refused Emergency as well. There is no doubt that most of them have come to their seats by virtue of Emergency law and that they prefer the continuing of the case that raised them on the account of human rights and freedoms. We differed with their situation and their trends and we announces clearly "citizens shall draw back their confidence after they neglect citizens rights to the benefit of a government brought them to the parliament" as if the relation between them is "you scratch my back and I"ll scratch yours"…
The center faced many obstacles in implementing activities of its program "Parliament-Social Dialogue" because those representatives were afraid to attend in discussions with their districts" people and to discuss their problems together. Therefore, we inform them clearly, "If you secure your parliament seats after the absence of judicial observation on elections, but you"ll not secure people"s confidence as you draw his freedom".
Ayman Okail
Address :1st El Malek Faysal St., Borg Al-Atebaa, 9th Floor, No 908 , Giza, Egypt
Tel No., : + 202 37759512, +20105327633 Fax No., : +202 37759512
E-mail : [email protected] , [email protected]
Website :
www.maat-law.org , www.maatpeace.org