MB MP Warns Against Revolution of the Hungry
Ahmad Abu Barakah (member of Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc, and the Legislative Committee at the Egyptian People’s Assembly) held the government responsible for the astronomical price hikes that hit Egypt recently and have gone out of control.
In a request submitted to the PA, he criticized the Premier and ministers of Social Affairs, Industry, and Finance for adopting misleading policies that have negative consequences on the economic development, tarnished social justice, devastated the social solidarity guaranteed by the constitution, and wasted the government’s sponsorship of health, social, and cultural services.
In his memo, he said “there’s a random disentanglement of all prices; whether of consumer goods, production, or services such as medicine, education, and facilities. Since the previous fiscal year, consumer prices increased by 100% in less than a year; such increase prevailed over all other necessary consumer goods”.
“Price increase threatens the social peace, national security, and stability and can have serious negative consequences, because it reflects the deteriorating economic performance and falsity of all information propagated by the government regarding the progress of the total indicators of the Egyptian economy and forebodes a revolution of the hungry that would demolish the country and lead the country to a hyperinflation phase,” he added.