Muslim Brotherhood Congratulates Aljazeera and Sudan on the Release of Sami Al-Hajj
Dr. Mohamed Habib, Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Chairman, congratulated Aljazeera Satellite channel and the neighboring country Sudan on the release of Sami Al Hajj, cameraman of Aljazeera who was released last Thursday after 6 years of suffering in the notorious Guantanamo prison. The detention of Al-Hajj exposed the double standard policies of the U.S. administration which claims its respect of human rights and freedom, Habib said. He criticized the fact that Al-Hajj had no accusations filed against him and had not received a fair trial throughout his detention. Habib warned against U.S. hegemony over the world, especially the Arab and Muslim world. He also called for facing the worldwide assault on free media voices. Ikhwanweb team extends its congratulations to Sami Al-Hajj’s family and to Aljazeera, and wishes that all prisoners of conscience in the world receive justice.