MB Condemn the Tragic Attack that killed Benazir Bhutto
Pakistani former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has been assassinated in a suicide attack. The terrorist act took place today after an election rally in Rawalpindi . At least 15 other people died in the attack and several more were injured.
In a private statement to Ikwanweb, Mahmoud Ghozlan, member of the MB executive Bureau, said, “We totally denounce all forms of violence that cause the death of politicians and other innocent people.”
He also stated that any political competition must be based on honest peaceful means of competition, and aims at serving and helping the people. Adding that any competition through suicide bombs and guns is totally refused.It’s worth mentioning that today’s attack was the second suicide attack against Benazir Bhutto in recent months, and comes amid a wave of bombings targeting security and government officials.
Ghozlan said that the Muslim Brotherhood condemn and refuse all forms of violence practiced around the world.
On behalf of all the MB group, Ghozlan consoles the Pakistani people and feels sorry for such terrorist attack, he also insisted on the peaceful means for reform that should be practiced everywhere.
The Muslim Brotherhood has refused such tragic incident in a private statement issued after today’s suicide attack in Pakistan .
The statement said that the MB demand all Pakistani powers to be united, work together for the sake of Pakistan, and refuse all kinds of tyranny and violence in order to regain the security and peace of Pakistan.