Mursi Denies Calling MB Delegation To Visit Congress
Dr. Mohamed Mursi, Muslim Brotherhood (MB) Executive Bureau member, dismissed some media reports that MB chairman, Mohamed Mahdi Akef, called on a delegation of the MB parliamentary to visit the US Congress.
These reports are totally groundless reports”, said Mursi in a statement to Ikhwanweb.
Mursi added that the Muslim Brotherhood’s attitude towards dialogue is clear; it considers dialogue as the best means for solving problems and disagreements.
Mursi pointed out that the group’s attitude towards dialogue with any foreign official authority is that this dialogue should be held through sound diplomatic methods in the presence of a representative from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.
Mursi advised all media outlets to be credible in handling news and be sure of the news credibility before publishing them.
The website of Al-Misriyoun newspaper published a piece of news that Mohamed Mahdi Akef and a number of MB Executive Bureau, and parliamentary bloc members received an invitation from Democratic MPs in the US Congress to visit The United States next month and talk in front of the Congress.