A statement on the health conditions of H.E. General Guide Badie
In the name of Allah
We have received with the greatest concern the news regarding the illness of his excellency Dr. Mohamed Badie the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood. It has come to our knowledge that he has contracted Covid 19 and is suffering due its symptoms that he had to be transported to court wrapped in a blanket with clear signs of fatigue (i.e: shaking, vomit and fever).
While we remain praying for H.E. to get well soon; we hold the Egyptian authorities the responsibility of his life, and we demand that he is transferred to a specialized hospital outside prison for treatment.
H.E. General Guide is an old man of 79 years and his body can’t survive such illnesses as it can’t withstand this solitarily confinement of 8 years and counting, where his family was denied visits, necessary clothes, medicine for the last 5 years, and he can’t even see them during court proceedings due to isolating glass, he was even denied exercise except for a few minutes before his cell doors.
We call upon all Human Rights entities to mobilize to the save H.E. General Guide’s life, and to form a committee that would visit him in his cell and check on his health.
We also assert to all detainees of the Muslim Brotherhood and of other affiliations that their cause is focal to us and we shall put all efforts forward with all parties of the community and the free of the world until each one is free at last.
“And Allah has full power and control over His Affairs, but most of men know not”
Muslim Brotherhood
Tuesday, Ragab 14th 1443, February 15th 2022