"Despotic regimes and the right of peoples to a fair and rational government"
“And so We have made you ˹believers˺ an upright community so that you may be witnesses over humanity and that the Messenger may be a witness over you. We assigned your former direction of prayer only to distinguish those who would remain faithful to the Messenger from those who would lose faith. It was certainly a difficult test except for those ˹rightly˺ guided by Allah. And Allah would never discount your ˹previous acts of˺ faith. Surely Allah is Ever Gracious and Most Merciful to humanity” Surah Al-Baqarah 143.
“ O believers! Stand firm for justice as witnesses for Allah even if it is against yourselves, your parents, or close relatives. Be they rich or poor, Allah is best to ensure their interests. So do not let your desires cause you to deviate ˹from justice˺. If you distort the testimony or refuse to give it, then ˹know that˺ Allah is certainly All-Aware of what you do” Surah An-Nisa 135.
(( the tyrannical rule is the demolition of religion and sabotage of the world, it is a curse that affects faith and society. And it is an ominous smoke in the shadows, suffocating souls and bodies within its scope as it spreads, so neither the market for virtues and morals is active, nor is the market for agriculture and industry promoted.))
(Muhammad Al-Ghazali - Islam and political tyranny)
((tyranny is a permanent plague with temptation, continuous aridity with the disruption of works, a continuous fire of robbery and usurpation, a sweeping torrent of urbanisation, fear that cuts hearts, darkness blinds the eyes, unrelenting pain, a ruthless warrior, and an endless story of evil.))
(Al-Kawakibi - The natures of tyranny and the struggle of enslavement).
Seventy years have just passed since the July 1952 coup (or what was called at the time the Free Officers Movement) which was preceded by another coup in Syria (the coup of Hosni al-Zaim, March 30, 1949), which was known by the United States support for it, and thinkers of that time called it the greatest catastrophe that befell the country in the modern era, but the coup of 52 was the most famous and influential, followed by many coups in the east and west of the country, and the brown continent had the largest share of it, perhaps even to this day, This continent which is the poorest and backward - despite its resources And its many riches - between the continents of the world.h
It is mentioned that after the departure of the direct foreign occupation from Egypt and from the Arab and Islamic region in the last century, the peoples of the region aspired to regain their freedom, dignity and possession of their will, and their hopes were attached to living in the shadow of freedom, justice, dignity and honor, and they preserved from their principles the saying Al-Faruq bin Al-Khattab for his representitive in Egypt: Amr bin Al-Aas (may God be pleased with them): {When did you enslave people when their mothers gave birth to them free}, and you know the importance of justice and its role in establishing security and achieving prosperity, as attributed to Al-Harmuzan, the Persian leader, that he said to Al-Faruq ( May God be pleased with him): {You judged, then you acted justly, and you believed}, and you know the role of the responsible guardian, as the Messenger of God (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: {You are all shepherds and all of you are responsible for your flock}. It was adopted by the movement’s media at the time, addressing their national and religious feelings:
[Relying on the powerful God is order, action and unity
Arise, O Egypt, O best of the country, and ascend to glory, and proceed to righteousness
Our army and our people are all our mottoes: If the call is called, we shed blood.
Forward, in war and peace, we fear God... We seek His pleasure.. the Almighty]
The passages which are still engraved among the millions who lived through them, stir up memories and nostalgia for honest moments before they discover that they are just deceptive slogans used by the military to deceive people and devote themselves to their own ends in control and tyranny.
On the other side of this sweeping fascination and deception by flashy slogans, there were loyal patriots, including the Muslim Brotherhood, who quickly discovered the truth of the matter in the nature of this military rule, which turned against its promises to respect the will of the people, return to their barracks and hold fair elections. The call and the sincerity of leadership on the Muslim Brotherhood not to go along with this falsehood and this tyranny, and perhaps if they went along with it, they would have assumed the highest positions and spared themselves from many suffering and sacrifices, the most prominent of which was enduring the people’s views and their hostility with which the media of this coup charged them, and they are the ones who endured what they endured and gave what they gave, for the cause of Allah, for the call of their people and a desire for good and righteousness for them, in a practical application of what the founder of their call said: We pay a price for their glory, dignity, religion and hopes if this means success. It is very dear to us that we see what surrounds our people and then submit to humiliation, accept humiliation, or submit to despair. We work for people for the sake of God more than we work for ourselves. For you and not for others, beloved ones, and we will not be upon you one day.”
And the basic features of military rule and all tyrannical regimes began! Its manifestations are gradually becoming clear because it can be said that such systems in general have three basic means of control: deception of the media, the brutality of the rulers, and unjust rulings. Two correlates: bringing the corrupt fools closer and banishing the honest and righteous, and these means, characteristics and qualities varied in their degrees and arrangement with the alternation of episodes of military rule that began in Egypt seventy years ago.
The first episodes were with the "inspiring" leader, who brought the momentum of slogans, songs, chants, and "charisma", and was characterised by the swiftness of the coup and denial of the Brotherhood, and even to everyone who helped him one day, to the point that he betrayed their senior, "Major General Muhammad Naguib" and they were the ones who sought help With him as a facade at the beginning, who wrote in his memoirs that they are neither officers nor freemen, and the leader proceeded with his arrogance, arrogance and tyranny, so he dragged the country into a war in Yemen in which the army lost one of its best sons, and left a deep wound there that opposes what he claims of the slogans of Arab nationalism, and then came a back-breaker The denounced defeat in the 1967 war (which was known after that, to mitigate its ugliness, as the setback of 67), so people discover that, as the saying goes: “A lion is upon me, and in wars an ostrich”!
Unfortunately, this reprehensible defeat was a natural result of the crimes committed by tyranny, including filling the prisons with tens of thousands of Brotherhood and others because he does not accept an opinion and does not listen to advice and his slogan as a tyrant is “I am telling you only what I believe, and I am leading you only to the way of guidance.” surah Ghafir [verse 29].
And the second episode of the military rule begins, which is the episode "The Hero of War and Peace" or "The Faithful President". He started with measures that seemed promising for a new era in the rule. (most of them are from the Brotherhood) from the prisons of Abdel Nasser, and he led the war of the tenth of Ramadan in 1393 AH (6 October 1973) with the Zionist entity, in which the army and the people performed well, and they made many sacrifices that resulted in a victory, perhaps imperfect, But it is unprecedented in the history of the Arab/Zionist conflict and will remain engraved in the nation's memory.
And Allah Almighty decreed that the Brotherhood’s release from prisons and the continuation of their da’wah with many, especially the youth inside and outside Egypt, would be an opening for this blessed da’wah, which common sense responds to because of its simplicity and its good representation of the tolerant and moderate principles of Islam that are neither exaggerated nor negligent, but the “believer” president. He ended his life after the alleged peace initiative, which aborted the October victory, and caused the Palestinian cause to decline to this day!, by arresting a large group of honourable, dignitaries, scholars, preachers and opinion-holders from the Brotherhood and others.
So that the third episode of the military rule begins relatively quiet, perhaps from the impact of the previous events, and the owner of the “air strike” is asked about the Brotherhood at the beginning of his reign while on one of his travels, praising them and saying that they are a moderate national faction, but after several years he begins arrests and repeats military trials, and of course the Brotherhood The largest share of them is, and his regime is addicted to electoral fraud in various forms and methods, to the extent of fraud in 2010, so that the people have had enough as a result of the tyranny of 30 years, and the revolution of January 25, 2011, forced the military to bow a little before its violent crackdown, that revolution in which millions participated, which was Any citizen who is proud of his participation in it says proudly, "I was in Tahrir Square."
And it was not only the military who bowed to the storm, but their allies from the West who began planning how to deal with this massive revolution and were forced to pretend to support the revolution and praise its youth while they were plotting against it. As the first civilian president to rule Egypt in its modern era, the military and their allies from the West pretended to accept him in public and were premeditated since the first day of planning to bring him down. He himself is an example of justice and a role model for the guardian who fears the questioning of his Lord on behalf of his people, so his motto was: “ Be mindful of the Day when you will ˹all˺ be returned to Allah “
And despite the attempts to hinder him with various corrupt means and methods, he began to touch the fields of the renaissance in wheat cultivation and industrialisation and in establishing an unprecedented constitution. He declared the love of the Prophet (may Allah's prayers and peace be upon him) at the United Nations and the approval of the Companions in Tehran. It is clear to the military and those behind them that there is no way to defeat him by the ways they use, because he has gone ahead with what he declared explicitly by providing his people with food, medicine and weapons, and his love began to invade the hearts of the loyal people inside and outside Egypt, so they knew that there was no way for them to fail him and that they had no way to stop him except through a coup. He was frank on him, then he spent in their prisons, may Allah have mercy on him and accept him among the martyrs and the righteous, after he performed and died in the courtyard, repeating:
"My country, even if it hurt me will remain dear .. and my people will regardless remain honourable.”
And it began with the abhorrent coup of 2013, the fourth episode of the military rule, which exceeded the limit in lying, immorality and ineptitude, and crossed all the red lines of killing, arrest, confiscation of money and property, silencing of mouths, and holding mock elections. . . On the other hand, thinking of the tyrant that he can rule and guarantee his continuity, you see him endowing the pillars of his system (the military, security, judicial and media institutions...) with advantages and exceptions, without the rest of the miserable people! He does not know that this "selective" discrimination is causing a profound imbalance in the nation's societal fabric! Perhaps it needs treatment for long periods of time!
And Allah Almighty decreed that the Brotherhood’s release from prisons and the continuation of their da’wah with many, especially the youth inside and outside Egypt, would be an opening for this blessed da’wah, which common sense responds to because of its simplicity and its good representation of the tolerant and moderate principles of Islam that are neither exaggerated nor negligent, but the “believer” president. He ended his life after the alleged peace initiative, which aborted the October victory, and caused the Palestinian cause to decline to this day!, by arresting a large group of honorable, dignitaries, scholars, preachers and opinion-holders from the Brotherhood and others.
So that the third episode of military rule begins relatively quietly, perhaps from the impact of the previous events, and the owner of the “air strike” is asked about the Brotherhood at the beginning of his reign while on one of his travels, praising them and saying that they are a moderate national faction, but after several years he begins arrests and repeats military trials, and of course the Brotherhood The largest share of them is, and his regime is addicted to electoral fraud in various forms and methods, to the extent of fraud in 2010, so that the people have had enough as a result of the tyranny of 30 years, and the revolution of January 25, 2011, forcing the military to bow a little before its violence, that revolution in which millions participated, which was Any citizen who is proud of his participation in it says proudly, "I went down in Tahrir Square.”
And it was not only the military who bowed to the storm, but their allies from the West who began planning how to deal with this massive revolution and were forced to pretend to support the revolution and praise its youth while they were plotting to plot against it. As the first civilian president to rule Egypt in its modern era, the military and their allies from the West pretended to accept him in public and were premeditated since the first day of planning to bring him down. He himself is an example of justice and a role model for the guardian who fears the questioning of his Lord on behalf of his people, so his motto was: “And fear the Day when you will be returned to God.”
And despite the attempts to hinder him with various corrupt means and methods, he began to touch the fields of renaissance in wheat cultivation and industrialization and in establishing an unprecedented constitution. He declared the love of the Prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) at the United Nations and the approval of the Companions in Tehran. It is clear to the military and those behind them that there is no way to defeat it by the ways they use, because it has gone ahead with what he declared explicitly by providing his people with food, medicine and weapons, and his love began to invade the hearts of the loyal people inside and outside Egypt, so they knew that there was no way for them to fail him, and that they had no way to stop him except through a coup. He was frank on him, then he spent in their prisons, may God have mercy on him and accept him among the martyrs and the righteous, after he performed and died in the courtyard, repeating:
"My country, even if it hurt me will remain dear .. and my people will regardless remain honourable."
And it began with the abhorrent coup of 2013, the fourth episode of the military rule, which exceeded the limit in lying, immorality and ineptitude, and crossed all the red lines of killing, arrest, confiscation of money and property, silencing of mouths, and holding mock elections. . . On the other hand, thinking of the tyrant that he can rule and guarantee his continuity, you see him endowing the pillars of his system (the military, security, judicial and media institutions...) with advantages and exceptions, without the rest of the miserable people! He does not know that this "selective" discrimination is causing a profound imbalance in the nation's societal fabric! Perhaps it needs treatment for long periods of time!
Briefly, this episode of military rule collected all the disadvantages and evils of the three previous episodes in its harshest and most severe forms, but we do not forget the final saying of God: “your Lord is truly vigilantyour Lord is truly vigilant.” and that there are those who are steadfast on their principles and raise their hands, praying day and night, with certainty that injustice has a severe punishment. And that the oppressed has a more severe day against the oppressor than the days of the oppressor over the oppressed, and that whoever transgresses for a long time will lose his authority, and that no matter how long the night of oppression is, it is:
"The night must pass me, and the shackle must be broken.”
People began to know and live the reality of the 2013 coup, and its shame and scandal leaked to them, and they knew the truth of its treachery and its tricks, and if only these darknesses would look at those who were the biggest criminals in the episodes of injustice that preceded them and consider, even for a moment, that their end is imminent and that the consequence is for the righteous, and that peoples are now no longer deceived by them. Their methods of deception.
Peoples now yearn for justice, and no matter how patient and enduring they are, they have become aware of their rights and know who their enemy is and who is their friend. Perhaps dawn has become imminent, God willing, after the episodes of the hateful military rule, which, instead of fulfilling the trust of its people, who buy their weapons from his food, so they are a protective shield for his will. By them they betray their trust and reconcile with the Zionists and those behind them against the interests of their people, and they take the enemies of the people against the people with false and false pretexts.
And everyone who still supports these regimes, if it is difficult for them to realize that justice will bring them salvation and prosperity, then let them realize that oppression and stifling freedoms will lead to their near destruction, and their guardians from the west and east will not benefit them on that day.
Justice among people is more than one of the basic demands of peoples, for it is a command from God Almighty for everyone who takes charge of any of their affairs
“ Indeed, Allah commands you to return trusts to their rightful owners; and when you judge between people, judge with fairness. What a noble commandment from Allah to you! Surely Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing” .
The first beneficiaries of grievances in our land are the Western regimes to which the oppressive rulers are affiliated. Although their slogans are freedom, justice and human rights, this is for them and not for us. Rather, they are keen on the persistence of oppression in our land to make it easier for them to interfere in our affairs and plunder our goods, in exchange for false promises to the oppressors. To protect their thrones, and in exchange for the crumbs of billions of what they steal from our wealth, they allow these rulers.
And for those in whose heart there is an iota of faith, we remind him of the honourable hadith: “Whoever takes away the right of a Muslim person, God will make Hell-fire for him and forbidden him Paradise.” A man said: O Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) even if it was a small thing, he said: {And if it was a rod who saw you. }. So what about us if there are countless rights of blood, money and honour, and in the hadith also {Beware of calling the oppressed, for he asks God Almighty for his right}, as well as: {God dictates to the oppressor even if he takes it, he does not let him escape}.
The only way for this nation to rise is to return to its true religion and the law of its Lord.
“ O believers! Enter into Islam wholeheartedly and do not follow Satan’s footsteps. Surely he is your sworn enemy” and God Almighty says : “ O believers! Stand firm for Allah and bear true testimony. Do not let the hatred of a people lead you to injustice. Be just! That is closer to righteousness. And be mindful of Allah. Surely Allah is All-Aware of what you do” .
And Umar (may God be pleased with him) said: “We are a people whom God has honoured through Islam, so no matter how much we seek honor in other than that, God will humiliate us.”
The army is the nation’s shield and sword, and its major mission is to defend the homeland and protect its egg, and it is a sacred mission that cannot be fulfilled in its right unless he devote to it all his energies, capabilities, thought, and jihad, and the entire nation behind him and in his back sacrifices in order to support its religion and protect its homeland Its army excelled, in number, in numbers, and in distinction, with every precious and precious thing, in money, children, and souls all... As for managing the state politically, economically and socially. . . The task of specialists from politicians, economists and statesmen from all fields, according to the system of government chosen by the people (or the nation) is a free and direct choice.
“ You will remember what I say to you, and I entrust my affairs to Allah. Surely Allah is All-Seeing of all ˹His˺ servants.” Surah Ghafir 44.
“ I only intend reform to the best of my ability. My success comes only through Allah. In Him I trust and to Him I turn “ Surah Hud 88.
And Allah is the greatest, and praise be to Allah
Ibrahim Mounir
Deputy General Guide of the "Muslim Brotherhood" and Chargé d'Affairs
Saturday 24 Dhul Hijjah 1443 AH, July 23, 2022