From Rabaa to Gaza, Crimes Against Humanity
Islam has emphasized the prohibition of taking lives and sanctity of life, because of its high status in Islam. Therefore, it has established rules and regulations to protect it and prevent aggression against it. Islam even denies a believer the mere intention of killing his brother, for such act is not consistent with his religion, Islam. If this happens, it must only be by mistake, not intentionally. In this regard, Allah Almighty says: ﴾ And never is it for a believer to kill a believer except by mistake... ﴿ (Al-Nisa: 92)
Therefore, there is a severe punishment for premeditated murder both in this world and in the hereafter, as Allah Almighty has informed us that the punishment for such crime in the hereafter is Hell. Allah Almighty says: ﴾But whoever kills a believer intentionally - his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him and has cursed him and has prepared for him a great punishment. ﴿(Al-Nisa: 93)
Imam Ibn Kathir, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “This is a severe threat and a definite warning to whoever commits this great sin, which is linked to associating partners with Allah in more than one verse in the Book of Allah, the Holy Quran.”
The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: “... A pledge of protection granted by any Muslim, even of the lowest status is the same and should be honoured by all Muslims. Whoever betrays a Muslim in this respect will incur the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the people, and Allah will accept from him neither an obligatory nor a supererogatory prayer on the Day of Resurrection.” (The Hadith is agreed upon by both Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim)
The Prophet, may Allah’s peace be upon him, emphasized the sanctity of the blood of Muslims and that it is protected against and immune to aggression; as the Prophet, peace be upon him said: “It is not lawful to shed the blood of a Muslim who bears witness that none has the right to be worshiped but Allah, and that I am the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), except in one of three cases: a soul for a soul; a married person who commits adultery, and one who leaves his religion and splits from the Jama’ah.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
Indeed, martyrs have a special status and a special level of extended bliss from Allah, the Giver of good things to those who do good. This is because they sacrificed their lives for the sake of their religion and their constants, and they offered everything in favor of Allah. They are the lasting examples and role models for generations of believers as they advance towards victory and building their homelands at every stage. Therefore, selling their souls to their Lord is profitable, and He knows them best. Allah Almighty said: ﴾ Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment. ﴿ (Al-Tawbah: 111)
Anniversary of Rabaa Massacre and Operation Al-Aqsa Flood
The 14th. of August marks the eleventh anniversary of the Rabaa Massacre, which took place on the morning of 14 August 2013, which Human Rights Watch (HRW) described as ‘one of the world’s largest mass-killing of peaceful demonstrators in a single day in recent history’.
In this massacre, at least 1817 innocent people were killed, as some observers even reported that the number of martyrs was much more than that figure, up to 3,000 martyrs, in one day, at the hands of the Egyptian security forces, after the Minister of Defense had betrayed his president, broke his oath, and turned against the legitimate elected president, Dr. Mohamed Morsi, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him.
While this is the painful reality that the free people who took to the streets to defend the demands of their revolution (January Revolution) and the legitimacy of their president, have lived and continue to live, ending up dead, wounded, imprisoned, and displaced, both at home and in exile –the Rabaa anniversary comes this year while the events of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood have taken place, which has been ongoing for more than ten months, where the occupying Zionist enemy is still inflicting on our people in Gaza a war of extermination, various forms of killing, destruction, and the elimination of all forms of life there.
Gaza, which has sacrificed nearly 50,000 martyrs and missing persons, and more than 92,000 wounded and injured others so far, not to mention the destruction of life in the Palestinian strip, rose up to defend its land and Al-Aqsa Mosque, carrying out this duty on behalf of the nation; our nation that is ruled by tyrants with the help of global and regional forces of injustice and oppression – where they prevented the nation from joining the people of Palestine in their struggle against the usurping occupier. Rather, these tyrants conspired against the people of Gaza, oppressed them and did not make any effort to provide them with aid and assistance.
Just as innocent lives were taken in Rabaa, innocent lives were taken in Gaza and Palestine. However, the Rabaa massacre was carried out by the so-called "national forces", but the massacres in Gaza are being carried out by Zionists supported by American weapons and Western aid as well.
In fact, what is happening now in Gaza is an extension of what happened in Rabaa Al-Adawiya eleven years ago; where the goal is one, that is, to get rid of the rightful owners who are defending their right. It is the struggle between right and wrong.
Global Zionism and Crusader colonialism want to eliminate the ‘resisting Islam’ that refuses to surrender to tyranny or to the occupiers: the ‘struggling Islam’ that rejects normalization with the Zionists; waiving homelands or giving up their potentials; and the spread of decadence, sexual perversion or moral corruption; as well as rejection of everything that would eliminate true Islam in the hearts of Muslims and replace it with a culture, ideas, customs and traditions that are extremely far from what Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, wants for His servants.
The enemies of Islam and their proxies want to change the identity of the nation, after they had succeeded in exporting the culture of the occupier since the time of military colonialism until now.
The only thing left for honest Muslims –in defense of their religion and their homelands– is resistance, struggle, patience, and endurance; to be absolved before Allah Almighty in the first place, as Allah Almighty said: ﴾They (the advisors) said, "To be absolved before your Lord and perhaps they may fear Him." ﴿ (Al-Araf: 164) – then, to awaken awareness among the peoples and strive to liberate them from the yoke of tyrants and proxies of the colonizers. In fact, the liberation of Palestine can only be achieved through jihad against the usurping occupier.
The Rabaa massacre was the beginning of the devastation and destruction that befell Egypt on all levels
We will never forget the martyrs of Rabaa massacre and others, who fell in all the squares of Egypt; who took to the streets in defence of the freedom of the homeland, and in sacrifice for the legitimacy of their president, including men, women and children; old people, young people and minors. However, the hand of tyranny and injustice only crushed them and shed their blood, so they died in the squares of freedom, dignity and honour, where the world with its adornments became insignificant to them, as they focused on achievement of one thing, deep in their hearts, that is pleasing Allah, in defence of freedom and legitimacy.
After the passing of eleven years since the Rabaa massacre, we should ask: How far has the situation in Egypt reached? Has Egypt achieved progress economically? Has it achieved prosperity and security as it had been promised by the tyrants? Has power returned civilians and has the Egyptian people restored their right to choose those who would represent them?
Unfortunately, none of that has happened – and will never happen as long as the coup authority is in power –rather there is an economic collapse as we all see, and had it not been for the international and regional support for the coup authority, Egypt would have ended up on the brink of bankruptcy –Allah forbid. Look at the conditions of the Egyptian people and their miserable living standards due to rising prices and the devaluation of the local currency. Look at the morals of the Egyptian society and compare the morals of Egyptians before and after Rabaa massacre. The moral standards have changed after the exclusion of the people of goodness and enjoining what is right, either by throwing them in prisons and detention centres, or by displacing them both at home and overseas, away from the homeland. Therefore, the arena was cleared for the spread of obscenity and attacks on Islam, and the dissemination of pornography and atheism, which led to occurrence of moral corruption, the effects of which will inevitably reflect on future generations, if Allah’s care and mercy did not overtake the people of Egypt.
On the political level, what is the current situation of Egypt’s weight? Has Egypt's great status been restored to what it had been before? Unfortunately, everyone can evidently see the humiliation and dwarfing that has befallen Egypt at the hands of the tyrannical authority, all in the hope of prolonging the life of the tyrant in power.
The shedding of pure innocent blood in Rabaa Square and throughout Egypt has brought nothing but destruction. Whoever wants to improve Egypt's situation must strive to remove the causes of the destruction that has befallen the country at the hands of the putschists.
Hope despite the pain and wounds
Despair may creep in and overtake a person under the severity of ordeals and tribulations, and the large number of enemies and oppressors and their dominance. Desperate feelings may also lead a person to complete despondence and the loss of hope. But Allah Almighty forbade despair and hopelessness and warned against that, as He Almighty said: ﴾ … Indeed, no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people. ﴿ (Yusuf: 87)
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, was optimistic in all his affairs, always trusting in his Lord, and having good thoughts about Him in all circumstances. Despite the hardship and affliction, the prophet’s life was full of hope, optimism, good thoughts about Allah, and strong certainty in Allah’s victory. He always gave his companions good tidings of victory, security, and wealth despite their affliction, poverty, and weakness. The Prophet’s biography is full of situations and events that show how far the Prophet used to be optimistic, hopeful, trusting Allah and certain of His victory; characteristics that the Prophet also used to instil in the souls of his companions and all Muslims after them.
In this regard, Imam Al-Banna, may Allah have mercy on him, says:
‘Brother, I would like you to know, before I talk to you about these means, that we do not despair of ourselves, that we hope for a great good, and that we believe that only such despair stands between us and our success. For if hope grows strong within us, we shall arrive at this great good, Allah willing, and therefore we do not despair, nor does despair force its way into our hearts, Allah be praised!’
‘Everything around us gives glad tidings of hope, despite the forebodings of pessimists. Therefore we never despair the verses of Allah, the Traditions of His Apostle (peace be upon him), His Sunnah as regards the teaching of nations and the exaltation of peoples after being on the verge of annihilation, and all He has related to us of these matters in His Book all of these proclaim an immense hope for us, and guide us toward the path of a genuine resurgence. In the end, it is Allah’s will invariably to succour the wrong and to help the downtrodden and those rendered weak, for the vein crumbles at its very foundation.’
‘For similar reasons brother, and there are many of such in Allah’s religion the Muslim Brotherhood do not despair of Allah’s succour being sent down to these nations, despite the difficulties which can be seen before them. In the light of this hope, they carry on the task of the earnest and the hopeful, for it is Allah of whom aid is sought!’
Allah Almighty said: ﴾ … Allah has written, "I will surely overcome, I and My messengers." Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might. ﴿ (Al-Mujadalah: 21) He, Almighty, also said: ﴾ … until, when the messengers despaired and were certain that they had been denied, there came to them Our victory, and whoever We willed was saved. And Our punishment cannot be repelled from the people who are criminals. ﴿ (Yusuf: 110)
The martyrs of Rabaa and others will remain a painful memory in the hearts and minds of those who witnessed it, and those who lived the meaning of freedom, and witnessed injustice, brutality and abuse of these innocents – whatever the false claims were.
Rabaa massacre and others in the squares of freedom will remain forever an immortal memory throughout the ages; a memory that instils in the youth the meaning of courage and sacrifice in the way of defending religion and homeland, and in defence of freedom and truth. These lives that were taken will not be in vain with Allah, nor with the people who appreciate the meaning of freedom, pride and dignity. We have learned from them many lessons that will illuminate the path of struggle for us to regain the stolen right, the usurped homeland, and the lost freedom. This memory will not also be in vain with the coming generations; and the day will come - Allah willing - when the "Memory of Rabaa and the Martyrs of Rabaa" will be taught in school curricula; so that the youth can learn from it, as they learned from the biographies of the martyrs of Islam throughout the ages and times.
May Allah have mercy on the martyrs of Rabaa Square and all those who were martyred in other squares of Egypt. May Allah have mercy on the martyr President Mohamed Morsi, who willingly gave his life and sacrificed it for the sake of his religion and his country, as well as the pride and dignity of the Egyptian people.
Allah Almighty said: ﴾ And We wanted to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors. And establish them in the land and show Pharaoh and [his minister] Haman and their soldiers through them that which they had feared. ﴿ (Al-Qasas: 5-6)