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Muslim Brotherhood News

The Muslim Brotherhood's Speech at the World Islamic Youth Forum

The Muslim Brotherhood's Speech at the World Islamic Youth Forum

At the World Islamic Youth Forum held in Istanbul, Turkey, from October 18 to 20, 2024, Mr. Sohaib Abdel-Maksoud, a member of the Supreme Administrative Body and the group's media spokesman, delivered the Muslim Brotherhood's speech on the first day of the forum, representing Dr. Salah Abdel-Haq, the acting general guide.


This year's forum, themed "From the Flood of Al-Aqsa to the Flood of the Nation, " attracted hundreds of participants from over 100 international youth and student organizations from more than 65 countries. Several leaders of Islamic action from around the world were present, including Dr. Salah Abdel-Haq, the acting general guide of the group.


Text of the speech:

Praise be to Allah, who says: “Permission ˹to fight back˺ is ˹hereby˺ granted to those being fought, for they have been wronged.1 And Allah is truly Most Capable of helping them ˹prevail. ˹They are˺ those who have been expelled from their homes for no reason other than proclaiming: “Our Lord is Allah.” Had Allah not repelled ˹the aggression of˺ some people by means of others, destruction would have surely claimed monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which Allah’s Name is often mentioned. Allah will certainly help those who stand up for Him. Allah is truly All-Powerful, Almighty."

And peace and blessings be upon the leader of the Mujahideen, the exemplary leader and the model prophet, who told us: "A group of my nation will continue to prevail over their enemy in religion, and those who oppose them will not harm them except for the hardships that befall them until the command of Allah comes to them while they are like that." They said: "O Messenger of Allah, and where are they?" He said: "In the Holy Al-Quds and its environs."

Dear brothers and sisters, leaders of student organizations and youth work around the world, and in the capital of this nation...

Some people come into this world and leave without leaving a trace or a memory behind. Others choose to live according to the ways of Allah, facing challenges as they go. They spend their lives in the company of green birds, flying freely in Paradise wherever they desire. They take refuge in hanging lanterns under the throne, martyrdom befits them and they are worthy of it, they offer their souls and the apples of their eyes, witnessing that the religion of Allah and the liberation of their homelands are more precious than their lives, they have fulfilled their duty in what their destinies have established them as heroic fighters, high in life and death, and he who has risen above this brutal Nazi gang has succeeded; “Some of them have fulfilled their pledge ˹with their lives˺, others are waiting ˹their turn˺. They have never changed ˹their commitment˺ in the least.”

Dear brothers and sisters, a year has passed since the start of the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa on the blessed land of Palestine, during this time, our people in Gaza have written—and continue to write—the most inspiring chapters in the history of human dignity, resisting submission and humiliation. They have offered the best of their leaders and their community members, even sacrificing all their worldly pleasures. for the sake of Allah Almighty, and have borne the costs of our nation, such as repelling the aggressor—something that all Arab and Islamic regimes and armies have been unable to do since the occupation of Palestine until today.

The brutal Zionist aggression has expanded its genocide to include our people in beloved Lebanon, revealing its expansionist intentions. Gaza defends Egypt and beyond, while the West Bank sacrifices itself to protect Jordan and what comes after. It is naive to believe that this occupying entity will stop at a certain point if given the opportunity, as its goal is to control all the capitals of our Arab and Islamic world.

Dear brothers and sisters: As we observe this majestic scene, the valiant resistance showcases its superiority over the enemy, bolstered by its equipment, supplies, and open global and regional supply lines, While recognizing the occupier's pain and the blows endured, we must not overlook the suffering of the steadfast populace, whose resilience teaches generations the true meanings of perseverance and endurance. I feel pity for myself and my brothers outside Gaza, questioning our duty to support. On the Day of Judgment, will God Almighty ask if we fulfilled our duty or were negligent?

Today, brothers and sisters, based on the duty of advising one another to the truth, I address you with this message, reminding myself and my brothers that We cannot continue to live in the monotonous reality of constantly trying to keep up with the “Al-Aqsa Flood”, satisfied with only minimal moral and financial support. Instead, I fear that many of us have become desensitized to the daily scenes of violence; they no longer evoke feelings of honor and the obligation to support. On the other side, we discover that the people of falsehood - who support the occupying entity - are increasing their support for it and backing it with all their strength, including money, weapons, and even personnel, to prolong its existence. Are we less supportive of our brothers - and we are the people of truth - than the people of falsehood support each other? 

Our legal and moral duty today compels us to commit to increasing our level of participation through all available options, while also sharing the burdens of this struggle. Our goal is to ensure that this year’s efforts surpass those of the first year, transforming it into a relentless movement for justice that will not be stifled. We aim to secure the rights of our people fully and without any shortcomings. {And on that day the believers will rejoice at the victory willed by Allah. He gives victory to whoever He wills. For He is the Almighty, Most Merciful.}

Dear brothers and sisters, I conclude my speech with a message written by the founding Imam, Hassan al-Banna, to his brothers around the world in the year 1936, in which he stated:

Your Palestinian brothers are currently in the field, facing starvation, struggling, being expelled, killed, and imprisoned for the sake of God and for the holy land. They continue to hold the most honorable positions, perform glorious deeds, and display acts of bravery that are truly remarkable. They have absolved themselves before God and throughout history. If this movement weakens or diminishes, you will be held responsible for its fragility. This is a serious matter for which God will hold you accountable, and history will remember it harshly. Seize the opportunity and fulfill your duty alongside your brothers. God is with you and will not abandon your efforts.

Brothers and sisters, the messages and initiatives of this forum must inspire effort in our country and everywhere in the world. Let us act today, for we may not have the opportunity tomorrow. The fight for liberation has begun, and tomorrow is approaching for those who recognize it. God is greater, and to Him be the praise.