The flood in the East is expanding, and the light of the beginnings is dissolving old divisions.
Dr. Hesham Al-Hamami.
Beginnings are often considered clear and strong for several reasons. Those who recognize the importance of beginnings tend to have sharp minds, a conscious and sound heart, and feel connected to the spirit of the whole situation. Above all, in reality, there was a genuine beginning, complete with ideas, people, and a verifiable history. This is highly inspiring and provides more than just reassurance about the safety of the path and the correctness of the road.
This is a necessity arising from the historical and civilizational existence of nations. Perhaps the complex of the West was formed from the Muslim East. There is a wonderful beginning that precisely describes the situation, involving the revelation of heaven and the final prophecy. The subject has undergone rigorous testing and scrutiny, progressing through the traditional stages of historical development that all major subjects undergo. It has become a certainty that has endured across generations, with its historical significance solidified and its validity proven and documented by science.
It is (the Qur’an) with all that it contains treasures of gifts that will never run out (the Most Gracious/the knowledge of the Qur’an/the creation of man). The connection here is clearer than can be explained. What you feel and what occurs to your soul when you hear it is enough. Leave the interpreters who have many broad volumes. Refer to them only to interpret the meanings of some words and to explain the verses of legislation and rulings.
"Live with the Qur’an in your heart, for there is a special secret that is meant for you alone, and you will only come to know it with time. I do not know what our situation would have been without the Qur’an."
Consequently, the path followers performed their first recitation in a golden square defined by recitation, simplicity, obedience, and cleanliness. This square serves as the foundation of personality on the journey to enlightenment.
Regret over Western Europe's troubled past led them to Greece, where they viewed Greek civilization as their origin and a source of identity in politics, philosophy, science, and the arts...So be it, Monsieur. In the end, we want you to be a civilized, rational, and calm person—nothing more!
Our conflict with the West is ongoing, as we have said repeatedly. The West, with America at its forefront, has become a key player, where influential Jewish forces are present In addition to having the largest Jewish community in the world—larger than that of Israel itself—the relationship between Israel and America is unique and profound. Both nations were founded on themes of settlement and the erasure of the history of the other. As the esteemed scholar Dr. Abdel Wahab El-Messiri, may God have mercy on him, observed.
America has a significant political relationship with Israel, making it fully responsible for representing its interests in the region. This relationship helps maintain the political and social continuity of the Middle East in a way that aligns with Western and American goals. It is essential that this arrangement continues, apart from the initial ideas that inspired it.
What we observe about Israel challenging America, not conforming to Biden's demands, and anticipating Trump's return—along with the narratives pushed by both Democrats and Republicans—are all orchestrated by those in the media who have no real stake in these issues.
The facts are fundamentally the same, as they are.
The role of the US Secretary of State is not solely due to his Jewish identity; rather, it stems from his implementation of strategic principles that embody the American perspective on the Middle East.
All the genocide, killing and destruction that is happening in Gaza is an American decision in principle and basis, to discipline our people in Gaza, before fighting the resistance, because they embraced it, and the Mujahid fighter is nothing but his mother's milk, his mother's embrace, his mother's bread, and his mother's coffee (May God have mercy on you, Mahmoud Darwish).
I wish three of the greats—a philosopher, a thinker, and a poet—were among us today. If I could grant them a lifetime, I would want them to witness firsthand the profound maturity that resistance has achieved in terms of understanding, political insight, capability, and steadfastness.
Indeed, despite its deep Islamic depth, we will find it extremely close and understanding of the other, the different resister, and also the beautiful aversion that rises above the foolishness of the fool here and there.
These behaviors reflect sophistication, nobility, and greatness, as the new mujahid drinks from the vessel of sincerity, love, closeness, and detachment to the Almighty, the Lord of the Worlds.
I wish they had lived during Hajj Yahya's time and learned about his extensive culture, open-mindedness, and courage. I admire his boldness, precision in understanding history, and ability to connect it to reality.
Who are these three individuals?
Dr. Abdel Wahab El-Messiri once shared an observation: whenever he discussed the end of Israel with a member of the Arab elite, he noticed they looked at him as if he were crazy. This inspired him to publish a book encompassing all the articles written by Israeli writers in Israeli newspapers about the topic of Israel's end.
The Israeli feels he is caught in Palestine, the heart of the Arab nation and the Islamic world, which signifies an ongoing conflict.
Dr. Edward Said stated that the Palestinian cause was neglected due to the fear of confronting the truth, which involves recognizing the harshest injustice in the world—the greatest historical violence against humanity.
Where is he in relation to the demonstrations at major European and American universities, especially his renowned university, Columbia, where he was truly a star?
His unique book, (Orientalism), remains an essential reading for Arabs, Muslims, and Eastern people in general. It highlights the extent of the exploitation and degradation caused by European colonialism and explains how Orientalists played a role in justifying these actions.
The third is Mahmoud Darwish, who wrote that wonderful poem immediately after the outbreak of the first Intifada in 1987. The Knesset met for it, and Yitzhak Shamir, the Israeli Prime Minister at the time, attacked him in the Knesset with the utmost vulgarity. He said: I could have read the poem before the parliament had I not refused to grant it (the honor!!!!) of recording it in the Knesset minutes.
The most beautiful aspect of the remarkable events currently unfolding in the East is that all the active and supportive groups within the resistance are rooted in fundamental ideas. If we eliminate the old sectarian divisions—these divisions are gradually being removed as this substantial event progresses—we can see the true essence of this moment... The situation surrounding Al-Aqsa Flood is resonating throughout the entire East, affecting all sensitive issues: intellectual, sectarian, political, and social. While it may appear that nothing has changed on the surface, we must understand that everything is actually shifting.
We will not forget the tunnel youths—those pure souls with sound hearts. Their hearts, which felt constricted within their chests, soared through the skies of our days and nights. They carried the light of new beginnings, spreading a spark that illuminated the surrounding darkness. These rays, we hope, will become the "light of lights" for many times to come. (Quoted with modification)