Dr.Morsy : The continuous arrests and host of unjust accusations against the MB will not benefit the nation
Morsy stressed that the crackdown on Egypt 's largest opposition group came ahead of elections scheduled to take place later this year in an effort to deter the group which won a fifth of the seats in parliament in 2005 when its members ran as independents, but since then authorities have attempted to squeezed the group out of mainstream politics
"The latest arrests of senior members including 5 from the Executive Bureau namely Dr Mahmoud Ezzat, Dr Essam El-Erian, Dr Abdul Rahman Al-Barr, Dr Mohyee Hamed, Dr Ossama Nasr and the already imprisoned Eng. Khayrat El-Shater send a message of no tolerance from the government in an effort to intimidate the group. However this is to no avail for the success of the Movement does not rely on one individual. However it definitely affects Egypt ’s image, both internally and externally
The Egyptian regime must review such practice because the Muslim Brotherhood has always enjoyed and always will enjoy a presence on the streets of Egypt , it gains legitimacy from the people with its 88 seats in parliament," he said
He added "The regime is unable to accept that the Brotherhood is widely seen as the only opposition group capable of mobilizing thousands of disciplined supporters, in protest against the government, therefore its members are regularly rounded up before votes for national or local bodies"
Morsy stressed that the "The continuous arrests and host of unjust accusations against the MB Executive Bureau and the ongoing bitterness against them in their work will not benefit the nation; in fact the animosity will only lead to further instability and this is in the interest of the Zionist entity".
Morsy concluded stressing that the MB called upon the national forces to condemn these campaigns, to express disapproval, expose it and unite together in the face of tyranny and corruption.