Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Hamas Will Not Recognize 2009 President Unless Elected: Mousa Abu Marzuk

Hamas Will Not Recognize 2009 President Unless Elected: Mousa Abu Marzuk

In his statement to Ikhwanweb, Dr. Mousa Abu Marzouk (Deputy-head of the Political Bureau of Hamas) described Mahmoud Abbas"s statements on the extension of his presidential term as constitutionally illegitimate and against the Basic Law of the Palestinian Authority. He stressed that the Islamic resistance movement Hamas will not recognize any Palestinian Authority president after January 9, 2009 unless he"s newly elected.


Abu Marzouk added that talks about presidential elections to be held in the year 2010 are a clear transgression of presidential merit in 2009.


Commenting on Olmert"s statements in which he said, "We must share the land with the Palestinians," which is considered giving up on the "delusion," as Olmert called it, of "Greater Israel," Abu Marzuk explained that Israel was originally a usurping entity established at the expense of the Palestinian people"s rights and that Olmert now is trying to erase this "delusion," especially after the Palestinian people uncovered the truth behind it.


And as for Olmert"s statements on the Palestinian State, Abu Marzouk explained that they, in fact, referred to a distorted state lacking in sovereignty due to his insistence on dividing the Palestinian State which was clear in the document published in the Ha"artz newspaper.


Abu Marzouk called on the Arab countries to quickly break the siege imposed on the Palestinian people and to provide them with supplies. Marzuq added that the siege has become long at the hands of the Arab and Islamic worlds despite the arrival of foreign help describing the Arab stance after the arrival of the two ships to Gaza as shameful. Abu Marzouk expressed his hope that Egypt would work towards opening the Rafah crossing border and be keener to end the siege.