On the martyr president’s death anniversary, this is the story of the struggle and why they overthrew him
Today marks the fifth anniversary of the ascension (demise) of Egypt’s late martyr President Mohamed Morsi, whose soul ascended to Heaven on 17 June 2019 – May Allah Almighty have mercy on him and accept him among the righteous. We remember him today –though he was never absent from our minds– through recalling glimpses of his scattered feats and fragrant biography, the sincerity of which was confirmed by the course of events, over 10 years following his forced removal from office and imprisonment, something which reveals his personality, thought and vision, as well as the reality and nature of the conflict.
The late president came to power in Egypt, as the first civilian president elected by the free will of the people, after a major revolution against tyranny and corruption. He sought to establish the values of freedom, dignity, and social justice; uphold the rule of law; fight corruption; and unleash energies in the battle for development. But the (deep) state, its apparatuses and law enforcement authorities (due to dissatisfaction) did not hand over leadership to the elected authority. Rather, they sought to halt the advance of freedom and stifle the nascent experiment, which, had it been destined to live, would have given Egypt and its people another status of advancement and progress, while the corrupt thieves of power and wealth would have had a different destiny as well.
In its domestic dimension, the origin of the conflict was not to allow the liberation of the national will, denying the peoples’ right to choose those who compete to respect their will and choices, and thus the opportunities for applying Islamic Sharia (law) in government would be narrowed; and Islam, which carries goodness and development for the peoples, as well as freedom and independence for the homeland, would be displaced.
The late president declared that the progress dream could only be achieved through possession of that national will. In a speech on the Labour Day anniversary, he said: "We want to possess our will! We must grow our food, produce our medicine, and manufacture our weapons". This is the truth about the story of the conflict with the utmost clarity – pursuit to stop the dream of construction and development, and thus emancipation from dependency; for progress is nothing but a dream, will, and work.
As for the global dimension of the conflict, the West was not going to stand idly by in the face of an emerging experience that could represent an alternative to save peoples from poverty and dependency. In fact, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) always seek to present an Islamic civilizational alternative as a competitor to the bankruptcy of imported systems, which have not achieved a just society in their own countries, let alone the possibility to achieve it for others; because they basically rely on materialism, exploitation, and the consecration of power and wealth in the hands of a small handful of people, in addition to lack of human and spiritual values. In fact, presentation of an Islamic cultural alternative poses danger to a culture that is on the brink of bankruptcy today more than ever before, amid inability of its systems to meet the requirements of survival of culture and civilization.
The late president set an example of himself, taking into mind the fact that examples make history. He set an example in the field of the ‘clean hands’ doctrine, nobility of purpose, and honesty of promise. He even sacrificed his soul so that the 25 January Revolution (2011) could achieve its goals, so that he could fulfill the requirements of the pledge he gave to the Egyptians, when he uttered his immortal words: “Preservation of legitimacy costs my life – my own life”. He was honest and sincere to Allah in that, so Allah granted him what he really wanted, dying as a martyr for what he used to believe in. Late Martyr President Morsi could have compromised in order to preserve his life and ensure his comfort, but he set the example and model, so that generations he never saw would come to repeat with pride: “That their fathers and grandfathers were men who would not accept injustice, would never accept the dictations of the corrupt, and would never give up their country, their legitimacy, or their religion,” as he put it.
May Allah have mercy on you, Mr. President, for you wanted freedom and prosperity for your people, but the deceivers refused to do anything but rebel against you, using false allegations and making false promises, just to gain power and monopolize wealth. Now, the Egyptians have been suffering and burned by the fire of poverty, high prices, fear, humiliation and degradation – wishing that the past days would come back once again. Therefore, we address the martyr president, saying: Mr. President, may your soul rest in peace: for every accusation that your haters had falsely and slanderously attempted to smear you with has become an inextricable characteristic of them; every dust that was aroused around you has dissipated; and the falsity of those who dominated the scene at that time has also been exposed, as they shed the Egyptians’ blood, plundered their money and violated their honour – indulged in so much corruption that the whole world keeps talking about it.
As for you, Mr. President, you have passed away without involvement in spilling Egyptians’ blood, nor have you unlawfully consumed their money. You have restored the example of the early Muslim rulers with respect to justice and freedom. Remain in peace, Mr. President, for you have set the example and established the argument, even if supporters (of the right) are hardly existing today. However, Allah will provide people that will continue to defend you day after day; and generations, events and incidents will stand on your side to erase any traces of intentional obscurantism and blackout in your history. Allah Almighty says:﴾ Indeed, Allah defends those who have believed. Indeed, Allah does not like everyone treacherous and ungrateful. ﴿ (Al-Hajj: 38). We are confident that it will not be long before clean history has its say about you, and the honest narrator will one day tell his story about you. Allah Almighty says:﴾ …As for the foam, it vanishes, [being] cast off; but as for that which benefits the people, it remains on the earth. Thus does Allah present examples. ﴿ (Al-Raad: 17).
Allah Is the Greatest; and May Praise Be to Allah
Dr. Salah Abdel Haq
Acting Muslim Brotherhood General Guide
(Monday, 11 Dhul-Hijjah 1445 AH / 17 June 2024 AD)