MB Bloc Urges Restraint in Mauritania, Asks Leaders to Put Nations’ Interests First
Hussein Muhammad Ibrahim (spokesperson of the MB parliamentary bloc) called upon Mauritanian factions to give precedence to the national interests and to seek solutions through dialogue.
In a press release Sunday, Ibrahim said "Recent Mauritanian coup does not serve the country’s stability and may lead to a fatal crisis in a country that has set an unprecedented example of democratic transformation in the region."
He added that only democratic and legitimate means should be used to hold the government accountable, and that parliament should play an important role in that regard.
He warned the Mauritanian factions against undermining their democratic experience and called on the military chiefs to hand over the power to the legitimate institutions.
"Ousting the democratically elected president Saydi Muhammad Weld Al-Sheikh Abdullah will create chaos and instability, and will make people lose faith in democracy that would herald to them another inevitable coup,” he added.