Mursi: No Relation Between MB And Hamas Iraq
Dr. Mohamed Mursi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood Executive Bureau, denied any links between MB and a militant group operates in Iraq calling itself "Iraq"s Hamas" which engages in violence against Iraqi civilians and incite secterian rift.
Mursi said in a statement to Ikhwanweb that the Iraq is full of militant organizations that fight the occupation forces; we, in the Muslim Brotherhood, have no relation with any of these organizations, Hamas-Iraq or others.
However, Mursi added "Resisting the occupation is legitimate and is supported by all international covenants and laws. So, in principle, Muslim Brotherhood supports resistance against occupation anywhere" added Mursi.
Mursi called on civil society institutions like the Arab League, the Red Crescent and other relief committees, to step up to the plate and help the Iraqi people in their ordeal.
Mursi said these comments in response to an online report that spoke about a relation between Hamas-Iraq and the Muslim Brotherhood group.