Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Building Moderate Muslim Networks

Building Moderate Muslim Networks

Cover: Building Moderate Muslim Networks

By: Angel Rabasa, Cheryl Benard, Lowell H. Schwartz, Peter Sickle

Radical and dogmatic interpretations of Islam have gained ground in recent years in many Muslim societies via extensive Islamist networks spanning the Muslim world and the Muslim diaspora communities of North America and Europe. Although a majority throughout the Muslim world, moderates have not developed similar networks to amplify their message and to provide protection from violence and intimidation. With considerable experience fostering networks of people committed to free and democratic ideas during the Cold War, the United States has a critical role to play in leveling the playing field for Muslim moderates. The authors derive lessons from the U.S. and allied Cold War network-building experience, determine their applicability to the current situation in the Muslim world, assess the effectiveness of U.S. government programs of engagement with the Muslim world, and develop a “road map” to foster the construction of moderate Muslim networks.

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Paperback Cover Price: $30.00

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Pages: 216

ISBN: 978-0-8330-4122-7


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Chapter One:

Chapter Two:
The Cold War Experience

Chapter Three:
Parallels Between the Cold War and the Challenges in the Muslim World Today

Chapter Four:
U.S. Government Efforts to Stem the Radical Tide

Chapter Five:
Road Map for Moderate Network Building in the Muslim World

Chapter Six:
The European Pillar of the Network

Chapter Seven:
The Southeast Asian Pillar of the Network

Chapter Eight:
The Middle East Component

Chapter Nine:
Secular Muslims: A Forgotten Dimension in the War of Ideas

Chapter Ten:
Conclusions and Recommendations

Appendix A:
U.S. Foreign Assistance Framework

Appendix B: