Opening Speech of the Second Political Forum of the Group
Dr. Helmy El-Gazzar
Head of the Political Department of the Muslim Brotherhood
The Political Department of the Group organized the "Second Political Forum" in Istanbul during the summer of 2024. The forum began with a speech by the Head of the Political Department, in which he shared his vision and stance on the Brotherhood and public opinion. Below is the text of his speech.
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Dear brothers and sisters, peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you.
God Almighty says in His Holy Book, “Tell ˹them, O Prophet˺, “Do as you will. Your deeds will be observed by Allah, His Messenger, and the believers." God Almighty has spoken the truth.
A year has passed since our meeting last summer, and now we are coming together to open the second forum under the slogan: "Towards Influential Political Action." We pray that God Almighty grants us success in both our words and our actions.
I warmly welcome everyone here, including members of the Political Section, guests from other sections, and specialized lecturers. Welcome to all.
Brothers and sisters:
It was narrated from Imam Abu Hanifa al-Nu'man, may God have mercy on him, that he stated: "This is my opinion, and it is the best I can offer; if anyone presents something better, we will accept it." We reference his words in the realm of politics, stating: "This choice of ours is an effort, and in our opinion, it is the best we have available. If anyone proposes a better option, we will accept it."
My brothers and sisters:
Since Egypt experienced the turmoil of the coup against democracy in 2013, the country faced significant challenges in the aftermath of these grave events. The group endured a heavy price in their struggle to confront the situation and restore legitimacy. This struggle became even more poignant with the martyrdom of President Mohamed Morsi, may God have mercy on him, who represented the transfer of legitimacy to the Egyptian people. We hoped that the people would regain their legitimacy and, through it, achieve the hopes of the nation and its citizens. However, they failed to do so due to ongoing security repression.
We need to explore new pathways for meaningful change while keeping open the possibility of a fair political settlement that has not yet been established.
We were working along two parallel paths: one of ongoing confrontation and one of political action. Our aim was to achieve change while being prepared for political understanding when the time or circumstances were right.
We have worked hard to create a comprehensive national umbrella. Together with our partners, we have encountered harassment and restrictions. Domestically, many individuals we communicated with were imprisoned, causing fear to spread, which has led others to refrain from engaging. Internationally, we continue our efforts to expand the umbrella both horizontally and vertically.
If we consider the internal scene of the group, we have gone through two stages:
The first stage was marked by a state of organizational classicism, which disrupted creative pathways and resulted in significant issues. Notably, many young members left the group, while others showed a reluctance to participate. Additionally, there was a weak connection with influential regional powers.
An ardent desire for change emerged among the members, prompting our late brother, Ibrahim Mounir, may God have mercy on him, to take action. After he assumed the role of acting General Guide, new elections were held in 2021. This led to a new phase, with a significant majority supporting the push for change. However, this transformation angered some individuals who opposed the desired direction.
After this change, the group established a new general vision along with a political vision. This vision took its technical and administrative form, leading to the return of most discontented young people and activating pathways that ended the state of stagnation and classicism.
Brothers and sisters
The group's vision was grounded in an objective assessment of our circumstances, including the regime and its supporters both domestically and internationally, as well as the state of the opposition and change forces. We also considered the regional and international dynamics and their implications for our situation. We examined various possible scenarios for the political landscape, identified the desired outcome, and developed specific procedures, actions, visits, interviews, meetings, and dialogues with multiple stakeholders. Some of these actions are already visible, while others will become apparent over time.
This was accompanied by significant interest in reviving the group's Shura, administrative, and specialized technical institutions, including the political section that comprises all of us, to which we are honored to belong.
The teams within these institutions, especially in specialized sections, consist of experienced professionals with expertise in their fields.
My brothers and sisters
It has become our responsibility to dismantle various enmities and identify individuals who can engage in dialogue and understanding, those who are not suitable for such interactions, and those who can be neutralized while prioritizing our efforts. The goal is to enhance the group's image and invest in communication and rapprochement among these individuals.
Dear friends
When brother Ibrahim, may God have mercy on him, launched his initiative to prevent conflict over power that leads to the dismantling of society, an official document was issued, providing a detailed explanation and defining its features. The message was directed not only at the ruling regime and its components but also at all groups that instil fear about the potential return of the Brotherhood to power should a change occur. This fear has led these groups to prefer military rule, despite the abuses they have faced under it.
When we discussed avoiding conflict over power, we want to clarify that we do not mean withdrawing from political activity, either current or future, as some have misconstrued or promoted. Politics is an essential and integral part of our project; however, it is a broad field that extends beyond merely seeking power. Moreover, engaging in political work is a constitutional right for every Egyptian citizen, whether acting individually or collectively.
We need to highlight the words of Imam Al-Banna regarding the comprehensive nature of reform and the role of politics within the Brotherhood's mission. In the message of the fifth conference, the founding Imam, may God have mercy on him, stated that the Muslim Brotherhood embodies all aspects of reform. It is “a Salafi call, a Sunni method, a Sufi truth, a political entity, a sports organization, an economic company, a scientific association, and a social philosophy all in one.” Politics is an essential component of our mission, taking on various forms that go beyond merely vying for power, even when such pursuits may have negative consequences for the nation and its citizens.
As part of our ongoing efforts, we have started engaging with various stakeholders, including some regional parties. Our goal is to clarify issues and work towards easing tensions with certain groups. This approach has resulted in a noticeable improvement in their discourse regarding our initiative over the past period.
We are seeking a political solution whose means have not yet been found. This is not a single endeavor, but we are keen for this to be within the framework of joint national work, which aims for radical change. There are multiple methods for this, some of which are voluntary and negotiated, and some of which are forced under popular pressure.
My brothers and sisters
Our political work extends beyond the Egyptian issue; the unity of the nation is emphasized. God Almighty said, "And this, your nation, is one nation, and I am your Lord, so worship Me."
We learn from the saying of our noble Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, that "The believer is to the believer like a building; some parts strengthen others." He also said, "The example of the believers in their mutual love, mercy, and compassion is like that of one body. If one of its limbs is in pain, the rest of the body will suffer from sleeplessness and fever."
We approach all the nation's issues with sensitivity and a deep sense of responsibility. As you know, the primary focus at this moment is the Al-Aqsa Flood. Since October 8, we have established the Central Committee to Monitor the Al-Aqsa Flood and the Palestinian Issue, led by the Acting General Guide and other key members. This committee has created policies and directives, transforming one flood issue into five floods: political, popular, financial, media, and artistic.
Our slogan in the five floods is the saying of our noble Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: “Whoever equips a warrior in the way of God has fought, and whoever takes care of a warrior’s family with goodness has fought.”
Brothers and sisters
The issue of detainees is a significant concern at all administrative and specialized levels. After several months of extensive study, the Detainees Department has completed its primary objective: to identify the best strategy for achieving our ultimate goal, which is to secure the release of all detainees, eliminate the sentences imposed on them, halt death sentences, and alleviate the suffering of their families.
The analysis of the Detainees Department led to an effective strategy that aligned with the vision of the Political Department and the group. All aspects related to the detainees' situation were identified.
While we recognize that we have not yet achieved the success we desire, we are dedicated to moving forward with hard work and hope, relying on God and seeking support from our brothers and loved ones. What hurts us the most is when some individuals spread false accusations and illusions that lack any basis in reality.
We trust in God and feel reassured by our choice, eager for our voice to reach all our ranks and friends.
We welcome all genuine advice while avoiding gossip, insinuations, and slander, which we choose not to engage with.
Imam Al-Banna, may God have mercy on him, states in the message from the fifth conference: “O Muslim Brotherhood, you seek the pleasure and reward of God, and that is guaranteed for you as long as you are sincere.” God does not hold you responsible for the outcomes of your actions. Instead, He asks for sincerity of intention and diligent preparation. Following that, if we make mistakes, we will still be rewarded for our hard work. If we succeed, we will be rewarded for doing what is right. {And Allah would never discount your ˹previous acts of˺ faith. Surely Allah is Ever Gracious and Most Merciful to humanity.} [Al-Baqarah: 143]
Our Lord, in You we trust, and to You we turn, and to You is the final destination.
May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you