Press Releases

Official statements of the Muslim Brotherhood

MB Congratulates Iranian President-Elect on Winning People’s Trust
Press Releases

MB Congratulates Iranian President-Elect on Winning People’s Trust

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) congratulates the Iranian President-Elect on winning the trust of the Iranian people. MB also congratulates the Islamic Republic of Iran on this presidential election entitlement, wishing security and stability for Iran and its people.

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About ‘Estrangement’ and ‘Mistreatment’ of Detainees..  “Injustice Heralds the Ruin of Civilization”
Press Releases

About ‘Estrangement’ and ‘Mistreatment’ of Detainees.. “Injustice Heralds the Ruin of Civilization”

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) condemns the Egyptian authorities' “Taghreeb” –the Arabic word for “estrangement”– of dozens of prisoners of conscience at Badr Prison 1, separating and transferring them to the New Valley and Minya prisons. This procedure comes as punishment for the detainees who have been on a hunger strike since 25 May in protest against the ill-treatment and violation of the rights of prisoners and detainees practiced by the administration of most Egyptian prisons.

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Decision to Hike Bread Prices  Is a Crushing of the Middle and Poor Classes
Press Releases

Decision to Hike Bread Prices Is a Crushing of the Middle and Poor Classes

Regarding the Egyptian Prime Minister’s decision announced today, 29 May, about a fourfold rise in the price of a loaf of bread (from EGP 00.5 to EGP 0.20), the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) expresses its sorrow

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Arrest of Ahmed El-Tantawy Is  Political Machination and Revenge on Opposition
Press Releases

Arrest of Ahmed El-Tantawy Is Political Machination and Revenge on Opposition

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) expresses its solidarity with Egyptian politician and former member of parliament Ahmed al-Tantawi, and his family, after his arrest today, in the wake of an unfair political trial, related to the regime’s attempts to impose restrictions on him and prevent him from running for the latest presidential elections (against Sisi).

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In the wake of the Rafah massacre,  we call on Egypt and UN Security Council to swiftly intervene
Press Releases

In the wake of the Rafah massacre, we call on Egypt and UN Security Council to swiftly intervene

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) condemns the heinous massacre committed by the occupation army against the displaced Palestinians in the shelter areas that it had previously designated as “safe zones” for civilians – a crime that claimed the lives of dozens of martyrs and wounded women and children.

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MB Press Release on the  Prison Sentence Against Sheikh Rached Ghannouchi
Press Releases

MB Press Release on the Prison Sentence Against Sheikh Rached Ghannouchi

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) denounces the trial of Islamic thinker Sheikh Rached Ghannouchi, the Ennahda Party leader, and former Tunisian Parliament Speaker, and sentencing him to three years in prison and a fine.

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Remarks on the Arab Summit Resolutions and the Egyptian position
Press Releases

Remarks on the Arab Summit Resolutions and the Egyptian position

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) declares that the outcomes of the Arab Summit in Bahrain do not live up to the level of responsibility assigned to the leaders of Arab countries, as they lack practical measures and effective decisions that could force the occupation forces to stop their aggression on Gaza.

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MB Denounces the Sentence Against Dr Moncef Marzouki
Press Releases

MB Denounces the Sentence Against Dr Moncef Marzouki

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) condemns the sentence in absentia against Dr Moncef Marzouki, the former President of the Republic of Tunisia, on charges of assaulting the state security.

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MB Condolences on Death of Late President  Geingob of Namibia, Who Supported Palestine at ICJ
Press Releases

MB Condolences on Death of Late President Geingob of Namibia, Who Supported Palestine at ICJ

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) extends its sincere condolences to the leadership, government and people of the Republic of Namibia, and to His Excellency President Nangolo Mbumba, on the death of the late President Hage Geingob after a life full of struggle and giving, as he his life resisting the apartheid regime and pursuing his country's independence and progress.

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MB Condemns The Sentence Against Sheikh Ghannouchi
Press Releases

MB Condemns The Sentence Against Sheikh Ghannouchi

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) condemns the prison sentence against the 82-year-old Tunisian politician and Islamic thinker Sheikh Rached Ghannouchi, head of the Tunisian Ennahda Movement.

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