Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Muslim World and the possibility of connectedness and cooperation
Media Statements

Muslim World and the possibility of connectedness and cooperation

The history of relations between the Muslim World and the West started early and dates back to many centuries… there were tensions, interests, invasions, scientific, commercial and cultural ties… thus it is a rich history that we should look at in order to deduce experiences and to stand on evil and goodness for our generations.

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Ibrahim El-Zayat says he Is not member of the MB
Media Statements

Ibrahim El-Zayat says he Is not member of the MB

Ikhwanweb recently published a list of the Muslim Brotherhood members being tried in military court by the Egyptian regime. The report erroneously referred to Mr. Ibrahim El-Zayat as "member of the Muslim Brotherhood" which is incorrect.

Mr. Ibrahim el Zayat Declared that he is not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and is not associated with any of the Muslim Brotherhood"s organizations. Ikhwanweb apologizes to Mr. El-Zayat for any inconvenience or hardship we might of have caused him because of this mistake.

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Surge Strategy Will Not Stabilize Iraq
Media Statements

Surge Strategy Will Not Stabilize Iraq

Contrary to what most Americans and the rest of the world had hoped for, president Bush once again defied the common sense and made another mistake by sending more troops to die in Iraq. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt objects to the US plan of troops surge in Iraq and believes that implementing the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group (ISG) , which the President did not fully adopt, could be a step in the right direction.

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Egypt’s Offensive Against Muslim Brotherhood: History Lessons
Media Statements

Egypt’s Offensive Against Muslim Brotherhood: History Lessons

The ongoing offensive against Muslim Brotherhood leading figures, businesses, financial interests and institutions represents new episode of oppression by the tyrannical and ailing regime in Egypt against its own people, their freedoms and basic rights.

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Egypt: Gov’t Blocks Ikhwanweb After Exposing Torture Cases
Media Statements

Egypt: Gov’t Blocks Ikhwanweb After Exposing Torture Cases

After exposing recent torture cases committed by police officers in Mubarak’s regime; authorities in Egypt blocked access to Ikhwanweb throughout the country since early this morning.

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Lebanon’s Islamic Group: Fatah Islam Tied To Syrian Agenda
Media Statements

Lebanon’s Islamic Group: Fatah Islam Tied To Syrian Agenda

A new conflict has erupted in the Lebanese territories between the Fatah Islam group and the Lebanese security forces, claiming many lives from both sides

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Lebanon’s Islamic Group Launches Nahr Al-Bared Relief Campaign
Media Statements

Lebanon’s Islamic Group Launches Nahr Al-Bared Relief Campaign

The Islamic Group, Muslim Brotherhood offshoot in Lebanon , launched a humanitarian aid campaign to help residents of the northern Nahr Al-Bared camp where people

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MSP Garners 52 Seats in Algerian Legislative Elections
Media Statements

MSP Garners 52 Seats in Algerian Legislative Elections

Algeria’s Movement for the Society of Peace (MSP) garnered 52 seats, 13.36 %, out of 389 seat parliament in the legislative elections, official results reported on Friday.

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Have the Muslim Brotherhood Gone Global?
Media Statements

Have the Muslim Brotherhood Gone Global?

The relationship between the Egyptian authorities and the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has once again entered a turbulent phase, after President Hosni Mubark stated that the organization

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Ayman Al-Zawahiri No MB Member: Leader
Media Statements

Ayman Al-Zawahiri No MB Member: Leader

The Muslim Brotherhood rejects Der Spiegel’s claims that Ayman Al-Zawahiri has been affiliated to it, said an MB leader to Ikhwaneweb.

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