Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Muslim Brotherhood: Committed to Peaceful, Popular Resistance and Democratic Transformation
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood: Committed to Peaceful, Popular Resistance and Democratic Transformation

The junta-appointed regime's Interior Ministry and media machine continue to lay charges and throw allegations about bombing incidents and assassinations, mostly against the Muslim Brotherhood, merely to justify their own coup regime's horrific crimes, barbaric violence and brutal torture, and to distract the Egyptian people from the severe crises they suffer daily due to the illegitimate putschist regime's colossal failures on all fronts.

The Muslim Brotherhood has stated, affirmed and reaffirmed that it rejects all forms of violence and bloodshed, as well as its strong condemnation for all perpetrators of violence, whoever they are. The group has also affirmed its total commitment to the peaceful approach in ongoing revolutionary popular resistance, and reaffirmed that the putschist interior minister's allegation is completely false, totally unfounded.

We demand an independent international investigation to protect detainees from persecution, torture, absurd restrictions and extreme ill-treatment used by coup authorities to force them to sign false confessions to crimes of which they are truly innocent. The horrific killing of the Italian student Giulio Regeni is a witness to that.

Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Administrative Committee

Cairo: Monday – March 7, 2016

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Muslim Brotherhood Condemns Suicide Bombing in Lahore, Pakistan
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Condemns Suicide Bombing in Lahore, Pakistan

The Muslim Brotherhood condemns the suicide bombing in a public park in Lahore, Pakistan, on Sunday, which killed and wounded hundreds of innocent people.

The group affirms that its doctrine and its understanding of Islam, as taught by Mohamed, the Prophet of mercy (peace be upon him), makes it clear that the perpetrator of this bombing amid a group of innocent people, killing dozens, wounding hundreds and terrorizing even more innocent citizens, whatever his intention, has indeed violated God's law as revealed in the Holy Quran and detailed in Islamic Sharia.

This bombing is equal to the act of killing innocent Muslims and non-Muslims in Myanmar or anywhere in the world.

We offer our condolences to the families of those killed and injured, and to the people and government of Pakistan, asking God to guide the nation's youth to the correct understanding of Islam.

Muslim Brotherhood

Cairo: Monday - March 28, 2016

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Libya Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Internal Strife Situation
Media Statements

Libya Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Internal Strife Situation

Libya's Muslim Brotherhood is following with concern the current situation in the country, with the economic crises, political developments and repercussions, security threats, violence and chaos that allow saboteurs to destroy the homeland. In these circumstances and developments, the group would like to clarify the following:

First: The Muslim Brotherhood is concerned that certain parties insist on dragging its name into this political conflict, and hold the  group responsible for ongoing crises and troubles, although in all its press statements, the Brotherhood explained its position clearly as an Islamic reform group seeking to reunite all Libyans, heal the rift, and support dialogue and consensus leading to the end of all crises across the homeland.

Second: The group calls on all Libyans to prevent sedition, stop fighting and spare the country the horrors of war and destruction; and underlines the sanctity of Muslim blood. The sanctity of the Muslim to God is greater than the sanctity of the Kaaba.

Third: The group renews its call to all parties to communicate and endeavor to find a solution in which all hold high the interests of the homeland, a solution that would protect the country from falling into more death and destruction, and puts an end to all crises. The group warns that current crises can be used to drag the country – and in particular the capital – into a horrific bloodbath, and to destroy Libya's social fabric.

Fourth: The Muslim Brotherhood strongly condemns the attack on and the shuttering of Nabaa news channel, and the burning of the tent in Martyrs' Square. The group regards this as a kind of gagging, brutally curbing freedom of expression in a legitimate peaceful manner. The group urges all media outlets to commit to professional standards, away from the rhetoric and tactics of incitement.

Long live Libya, free and proud

God save the people of Libya

Libya's Muslim Brotherhood

Tripoli: Thursday – March 31, 2016


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Muslim Brotherhood Mourns Beheira Torture Martyr Badr Shehata
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Mourns Beheira Torture Martyr Badr Shehata

The Muslim Brotherhood in Beheira Province mourns with great sadness the death of the civilian detainee Bader Shehata, who was unjustly sentenced in a military court to 15 years in prison, and who has just been tortured to death by officers at Borg Al-Arab Prison, with his bloodied clothes and scarred and bruised body showing clear evidence of excruciating torture.

We certainly will never abandon our patriotic people's rights. We will not stand idly by and quietly watch coup Interior Ministry militias and prison authorities pursue their policies of extrajudicial murder of political prisoners through torture, starvation and medical neglect.

We further emphasize that these crimes will not be time-barred, and that we will chase the criminals, murderous officers and prison guards who use systematic torture as a method of eliminating opposition with instructions from the heinous killer Hassan Al-Sohagi, head of the Prison Service.

We pray to God to bless Brother Badr Shehata among the martyrs in Paradise.

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Muslim Brotherhood: Mir Quasem – Icon of Freedom and Resistance Against Tyranny
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood: Mir Quasem – Icon of Freedom and Resistance Against Tyranny

Not long after the anniversary of the martyrdom or execution of Sayyid Qutb at the hands of Egypt's dictators (August 29, 1966), tyrants in Bangladesh executed Mir Quasem Ali, a key leader of the Jamaat-e-Islami party in Bangladesh, turning Mir – just as their Egyptian counterparts did Qutb – into an icon for each person looking for their rights, for each person seeking to support the true faith: Islam.

When the Egyptian regime executed Sayyid Qutb in 1966, they thought they killed his ideas and ideology; but – as tyrants do in every era and place – they unintentionally immortalized him, inadvertently spread his ideas, and unwittingly introduced the people to his call – his ideology.

Today, they did the same with the martyred leader Mir Quasem Ali, thus making him a symbol of resistance to injustice and an icon of challenge to tyranny and a milestone of steadfastness on the path of truth. He and his followers and supporters in Bangladesh's Jamaat-e-Islami party paid a high price for their resistance to the Zionist scheme and their support for the nation's central issue of Palestine.

Mir Quasem Ali has passed to the realm of afterlife, as many millions do every day. However, he did not leave this world like a defeated weakling, but a proud, dignified leader after doing his duty, handing the banner to his followers to carry, not only in Bangladesh, but in every land and in every country.

We will remain on the path. We will neither alter or change it, by the Grace of God, until we meet Him as martyrs or until the ultimate triumph.

Dr Talaat Fahmi

Muslim Brotherhood Media Spokesman

Sunday – September 4, 2016


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Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on the Unjust Death Sentences Against 75 Political Prisoners of Its Members
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on the Unjust Death Sentences Against 75 Political Prisoners of Its Members

A new massacre is being prepared by the fascist military coup through its politicized judiciary, which today, September 8, issued an initial and unjust death sentences against 75 of the finest among Egypt's men, and prison sentences for varying periods for a number of other honorable individuals who have been forcibly abducted.

Days after the fifth anniversary of the Rabaa massacre, these malicious rulings are issued against the survivors of that massacre, whereas the murderers were rewarded and legally protected from trial and accountability, and even interrogation for the crimes and massacres they committed against innocent victims in the Rabaa and Al Nahda massacres and other crimes in a legislative farce before the eyes of the whole world.

It is needless to reaffirm that all these rulings are politicized since they have been issued by a carefully selected judicial circuit from among the specialized judicial circuits in an attempt to abort the revolution of the Egyptian people, get rid of Egypt's revolutionaries and patriots who rose up in the revolution of January 25, 2011, and to return Egypt again to dictatorship, repression and subordination.

These malicious judgments were issued at a time when the treacherous coup authority continues its crimes to crush the future of the homeland by arresting, torturing and forcibly abducting the finest youth and citizens. Today, Egypt is in the grip of an evil alliance of military leaders, corrupt judges, misleading media machine and chief saboteurs who have looted Egypt, and squandered its capabilities.

This brutal alliance seeks to eradicate all honorable, patriotic, proponents of good cause, national independence and national dignity across all ideological, political and social spectrum for the interest and service of its dictatorial authority and the enemies of the nation who are eager to subjugate Egypt after impoverishing the Country, depriving it from its human resources and undermining its prosperity. 

The Muslim Brotherhood has repeatedly warned against the ominous consequences of this evil alliance, and today it reaffirms the dangers of its undertakings with respect to the country and its people, and these judgments are the best proof of this. We call upon all Egyptians and Egypt's patriotic forces to unite their ranks so as to recover the people's usurped rights, and to rid the homeland of the rule of this tyrannical regime.

The Muslim Brotherhood receives these unjust rulings with more steadfastness and perseverance on the path of the Islamic Call, and the establishing Allah’s  guidance without hesitation or fear. It will not be deterred or intimidated by any power so as to disrupt its path towards the rise of Islam and its dissemination in the world, preserve the interests of the homeland and achieve the people's aspirations and interests in fulfillment of its highest mission.

Muslim Brotherhood

Saturday, 26 Dhu al Hijjah 1439 AH, September 8th, 2018


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