Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Cold-Blooded Assassination of Its Leaders Wednesday
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Cold-Blooded Assassination of Its Leaders Wednesday

While armed militias kill dozens of Egyptian soldiers in Sinai with ease as if the Sinai was devoid of any real military presence, the traitorous coup regime assassinated a number of Muslim Brotherhood leaders, members of the committee on legal, rights and psychological support to the families of prisoners and martyrs (group members who had been murdered or arrested and detained by the criminal coup authorities).

The Muslim Brotherhood stresses that the assassination of its leaders is a significant development with serious repercussions, with which the criminal Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi is laying the foundations for a new phase where it will not be possible to control the anger of the oppressed who will not accept to be so executed in their homes among their families.

The group further stresses that its martyrs, assassinated by the traitorous coup commander's criminal militias, had been detained inside a house and then killed in cold blood without any investigations or charges. Thus Egypt is transformed into a State of outlaw gangs.

The Muslim Brotherhood denounces violence and murder, in the Sinai and elsewhere. It holds the criminal Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi and his gang fully responsible for these crimes and their consequences.

Assassination of Egypt's finest men, such as Abdel-Fattah Mohamed Ibrahim, head of the committee on support to the families of prisoners and martyrs of the group; legal professional and parliamentarian Nasser Al-Hafi, head of the group's legal committee; and other leading members, pushes the situation onto a very dangerous curve and makes the entire scene highly volatile. This reminds the whole world of its responsibility towards the crisis into which Egypt is being forced, as plotted by the heinous murderer Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi.

The criminal Al-Sisi did not stop at dragging the homeland towards a fateful end, by issuing fascist laws to facilitate mass executions of those who reject the military coup, but turned to the assassination of honorable patriotic people in their homes. Their pure blood will be a curse on these murderers.

The homeland where all this injustice and oppression abound forces its honest citizens to move in serious endeavors to rid it of the despotic murderers who assassinate the honorable.

To the proud people of Egypt… This unjust tyrant has done his worst. Rise in revolt to defend your homeland, your lives and your children. This murderer is now executing the largest and most horrid massacre against this homeland. Oust the heinous murderer. Destroy the castles of injustice and tyranny. Reclaim Egypt once again.

God's mercy on the martyrs

Victory for the revolutionaries

The Muslim Brotherhood

Cairo: Wednesday - July 1, 2015

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ERC Statement on the Second Anniversary of the 3rd of July 2013 Military Coup
Media Statements

ERC Statement on the Second Anniversary of the 3rd of July 2013 Military Coup

 Today marks the second anniversary of the ill-fated coup that General Abdul-Fattah El-Sisi announced on Wednesday, 3rd of July, 2013. By ousting the democratically elected president, Dr. Mohamed Morsi, El-Sisi, spearheading the coup, has revolted against the legitimacy of the 25th of January 2011 revolution, with its principles, gains, values and symbols, and in doing that, has empowered the counter revolution.

Egypt has had to live through two years of corruption and detrimental actions, injustice and tyranny, neglecting the interests of the nation and exploitation of its wealth.
Over the past two years, Egypt’s military dictatorship has proved to be unworthy of governing the country that it took control of by force of arms. El-Sisi was unsuccessful in dealing with the everyday problems of citizens. He was unable to eliminate terrorism, which instead of being ‘probable’ – as was referred to by El-Sisi two years ago – has become a ‘reality’ today. El-Sisi was unable to protect Egypt’s national security. He continued deploying the army, with its tanks and weaponry, in Egypt’s cities and towns against Egyptians.
During two years of media propaganda and incitement, he has promoted sectarianism and divided Egyptians. Through state-sponsored terrorism, he is killing, raping, and torturing Egyptians.
On the occasion of the second anniversary of the coup, we ask the supporters of coup:
Is Egypt’s current reality what the coup leader had promised you?
Is this the Egypt you want?
Was El-Sisi and his authority capable of improving your living standard?
Has El-Sisi squandered your country’s resources? 
The Egyptian Revolutionary Council asserts that El-Sisi and his military dictatorship are the main threat facing Egyptians today. There will be no prosperity for Egypt without the end of the coup regime and the restoration of democracy. The will of the people to choose their representatives in free and fair elections has to be respected in order for Egypt to develop.
Following the experience of two years of the coup, it is time for the those who have been deceived by El-Sisi’s ploys, to step back and stand with patriotic Egyptians and unite in the face of this criminal regime. Two years after the gloomy Wednesday, in which the coup was announced, El-Sisi and his regime are still suffering from a continuing decline in support as he is being exposed day after day.

Everyone has to wake up before it is too late, and before Egypt descends into civil strife and becomes a failed state.

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Freedom and Justice Party Condemns Bombing Outside Italian Consulate in Cairo
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Condemns Bombing Outside Italian Consulate in Cairo

The Muslim Brotherhood's political wing, the FJP, denounces the military coup regime's vicious attempts to drag Egypt into the deadly spiral of violence and civil war.

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Muslim Brotherhood Mourns Brutal Killing of Six Egyptians by Security Forces on First Day of Eid
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Mourns Brutal Killing of Six Egyptians by Security Forces on First Day of Eid

 God can see the oppression of despots and tyrants. He can see those who suppress and murder the oppressed.

We made a strong return across thousands of public squares where we performed Eid prayers, prepared and organized by the Muslim Brotherhood, in a scene that proved that the Muslim Brotherhood, supported by a lot of people of this homeland, did not and will not step away from their peaceful march to serve and liberate this country.

The Muslim Brotherhood pledged not to retreat from the ever-growing revolutionary movement or from facing up to the brutal military coup, for the sake of God, and also Egypt's popular will. Millions turned out after the Eid prayer (Friday morning) in marches and demonstrations in almost all governorates across Egypt, despite the repression and killings by the coup's fascist repressive security apparatuses. These new crimes and atrocities by coup authorities will not make the people forget the putschists' earlier crimes. They will be held responsible for them someday soon.

Coup security forces' killing frenzy today (Friday) – the first day of Eid – claimed the lives of six peaceful protesters (including a woman and a child), with dozens injured, until now, in the capital Cairo – a scene repeated in all governorates. This is nothing but the putschists' vengeful wrath for the Muslim Brotherhood's popularity, deep-rooted in the society, and for the angry masses' rallying around the group, despite the repression, murder and poverty.

Today, Egypt's patriots created a new epic with all the Egyptian people, in all public Eid prayer courts and squares, as well as our revolutionary marches and peaceful protests from Cairo to Alexandria, Giza to Beni-Suef, Aswan to all cities and villages of the Nile Delta and Suez, where youth and women were in the forefront of popular anger.

Today, we bid farewell to new martyrs, shot dead by militias of the traitorous coup's Interior Ministry, who attacked demonstrations just after Eid prayers. This innocent blood will remain a curse chasing the failed Al-Sisi and his gang that robs the homeland, impoverishing and killing the people. This blood of the guiltless will fuel the Revolution until it defeats the despots.

The Muslim Brotherhood reiterates its pledge to continue to rise in Revolution in the face of repression, never cowering nor retreating, never giving in to the junta's treacherous bullets, and never accepting injustice. It calls on all patriots to be always ready to face up to the criminal coup militias' treachery. Self-defense, when attacked, is a duty established by the laws, charters and religious decrees. Deluded are those who think that their massacres could be forgotten or their crimes forgiven.

The Muslim Brotherhood will continue to support the activities of popular wrath, in support of this homeland, the detainees and democratic legitimacy – symbolized in President Mohamed Morsi. The group vows to continue the Revolution in support of the rights of the martyrs, the hounded, and the forcibly disappeared, in support of the demands of the poor, workers, farmers and the January 25 Revolution and its legitimate demands.

We truly wished this festive time of Eid should come to find our homeland in a better state! We are confident that the biggest festive day of Eid will be when we exact retribution from the murderers and the corrupt, and liberate our country from traitors very soon.

Our message today, on this Eid day, to the families of the martyrs, detainees, abductees and the hounded is: be patient and persist. God will grant you victory, and the day will inevitably come for fair and prompt retribution.

Our message to the unwavering patriots in streets and squares across the homeland: we solemnly salute your steadfastness and resilience in support of the truth. God will grant you ultimate victory.

To the criminals and all those who seek after their own personal interests: Your fate is well known - throughout the ages, in history's rubbish-bins and platforms of prompt justice.

Everyone should be ready for what is coming, in order to protect the homeland and the people's rights and popular will.

The Muslim Brotherhood

Cairo: Friday - July 17, 2015 / Shawwal 1, 1436

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Syrian City Duma Demolished with Iranian, Russian Participation Amid Western Silence
Media Statements

Syrian City Duma Demolished with Iranian, Russian Participation Amid Western Silence

Not for a single day did Assad's air force stop or pause its bombing of civilians in all parts of Syria – with excessive brutality and in a deliberate indiscriminate manner.

Today (Monday), Assad's forces bombarded the city of Duma in a mindless frenzy driven by hatred of the proud and patriotic people of Syria, killing more than 130 and wounding 300 others. Numbers are increasing all the time, especially after the bombing of a popular market crowded with civilians.

This is done with Iranian and Russian participation in the political decision and in the field. This is done despite talk of a political solution from those whose hands are stained with the innocent blood of the Syrian people.

It is no longer acceptable, after all this, to talk about initiatives to save the head of the regime. It is no longer acceptable to talk about political solutions written with the blood of Syrian women and children. The only solution is to oust the entire ruthless regime from its roots, whatever the sacrifices.

We, the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, stress the following:

First: The revolutionaries on the ground will respond to this massacre and those that preceded it in the appropriate manner.

Second: The Arab League must convene an exceptional session and assume its responsibilities toward Syria, by stopping and deterring this murderer, his backers and supporters.

Third: We call upon the UN's Security Council to convene and issue resolutions to protect the Syrian people from the murderous machine of death, destruction and extermination, which is hounding all Syrians, rather than stand a spectator to this bloodbath, where silence is collaboration in the crime.

We say to our still steadfast people in proud Duma and in all areas crushed by the hand of tyranny and barbarism: this blood will not be lost in vain. It is a sign of approaching victory.

Information Office

The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria

August 17, 2015


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Muslim Brotherhood Students Statement Slams Media Lies
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Students Statement Slams Media Lies

We call upon all media outlets to commit to professional standards of accuracy in what they publish in the name of Muslim Brotherhood students, describing their own articles as statements, press releases or articles by leaders of the student movement.

We remind them that indeed untrustworthy are those who impersonate people they are not authorized to represent. We emphasize that we are currently only working on the finishing touches for the start of a new academic year in which students will reaffirm their continued demands for freedom and dignity, and their struggle to liberate the homeland of all unjust despots.

Since some have apparently decided to involve us in this matter, we stress that we will not be dragged into any vain arguments and hostilities in the media, from which only the enemies of the Truth will benefit, souring our good relationship, throwing doubts on our objectives and wasting our time and efforts.

Since the start of this 'distraction', we decided to be practical, pragmatic: to consider all advice, and look into all proposals and suggestions; and to endeavor to do what we believe is the best, quietly, without throwing accusations or vilifying  the revolution.

Muslim Brotherhood Students

Cairo: Sunday – August 30, 2015

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Muslim Brotherhood Denounces Repeated Zionist Attacks on Aqsa Mosque, Worshipers
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Denounces Repeated Zionist Attacks on Aqsa Mosque, Worshipers

Blatant attacks by dozens of Zionist-occupation forces and activists against Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestinian Murabitoun worshipers are most heinous crimes in which Arab rulers are complicit by failing to protect or defend the nation's sanctities.

The Brotherhood asserts that these treacherous attacks and the ongoing excavations under Al-Aqsa Mosque compound are all part and parcel of the Zionist scheme to divide the mosque complex, amid complicit Arab and Muslim regime silence. The acceleration of this scheme is linked to the wave of murder, oppression and brutal repression against patriotic men and women that followed crushing of the Arab Spring revolutions.

The very least Arab and Muslim regime governments must do about these crimes against the most revered Muslim holy sites is to close Zionist embassies in their countries, expel representatives of the Zionist entity, and launch an economic blockade of the Zionist enemy.

After these Zionist crimes against Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and the Murabitoun worshippers inside it, the Muslim Brotherhood calls on all Muslims and the free world to rally and respond to the persistent brutal Israeli attacks in Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem at large. Peaceful protesters should target embassies of the Zionist enemy in their countries, as well as its representatives and allies at embassies of collaborator countries. Let Friday (September 18) be a day of faith. Mark the ascension of the Holy Prophet. Stand steadfast in vigils for the Truth, and in defense of our holy places.

Muslim Brotherhood

Cairo: September 15, 2015


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Egypt Legitimate Parliament Statement to Egyptian People on Coup Sham Elections
Media Statements

Egypt Legitimate Parliament Statement to Egyptian People on Coup Sham Elections

With record low turnout for the junta's latest illegitimate elections, Egypt's parliament abroad (elected in free and fair elections in 2012) urges all patriots to unite and oust the military-controlled regime.

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Press Statement: Muslim Brotherhood Condemns Terrorist Incidents in France
Media Statements

Press Statement: Muslim Brotherhood Condemns Terrorist Incidents in France

The Muslim Brotherhood condemns the terrorist incidents that took place on French territory on the evening of Friday, November 13, 2015, as a violation of the teachings of all divine laws and an infringement on all conventions and human values.

The Muslim Brotherhood denounces these incidents, and reiterates its rejection of any action that targets innocent lives or sheds the blood of the guiltless. The group also stresses the need for respect for values of justice, freedom and equality for all humanity.

Muslim Brotherhood 

Friday – November 13, 2015

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Muslim Brotherhood: No Compromise, No Reconciliation with Murderous Coup Regime
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood: No Compromise, No Reconciliation with Murderous Coup Regime

To the patriotic men and women of the Revolution...

With every new revolutionary wave, false rumors are spread alleging the start of negotiations, understandings or agreements. Each time, the Muslim Brotherhood reaffirms and reiterates that:

- We will not negotiate with the murderers and criminals.

- We will not compromise on the rights of martyrs, prisoners, the wounded and all those tragically impacted by the junta and its coup.

- We will not compromise on the legitimacy of our elected President Mohamed Morsi.

- We will not compromise on the full rights of all the Egyptian people.

This all is a matter for the people, about which no group, body or institution has the right to get into agreements or understandings. This is a matter for the courageous people determined to complete the Revolution until the end.

Our message to hypocrites, impostors and liars: We shall meet in liberty squares across Egypt.

This is only a matter of time.

Muslim Brotherhood

Cairo: Saturday – January 23, 2016


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