Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Arab Summit
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Arab Summit

The Brotherhood expresses hope resolutions of the 25th Arab League Summit will practically help Arabs close ranks and work together for common goals.

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ICC Complaint Will Continue Despite Prosecutor’s ‘Wrong’ Decision
Media Statements

ICC Complaint Will Continue Despite Prosecutor’s ‘Wrong’ Decision

On Friday 25th April 2014 the ICC prosecutor, Mrs Fatou Besouda, informed the democratically elected government of Egypt that the complaint submitted by them detailing serious allegations of international crimes cannot proceed.

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Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Egyptians Abroad Boycotting Show Presidential Vote
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Egyptians Abroad Boycotting Show Presidential Vote

The FJP salutes and praises awareness and patriotism of Egyptian expatriates who shunned the illegitimate, fraudulent elections.

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On October 6th Anniversary, Muslim Brotherhood Salutes Egyptian People Who Refused Defeat
Media Statements

On October 6th Anniversary, Muslim Brotherhood Salutes Egyptian People Who Refused Defeat

The Muslim Brotherhood salutes the great, patriotic Egyptian people, all those who fought the October 6th (1973) war, and all those who still live up the spirit of the Egyptian military doctrine upon which the October 6th war was fought.

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Egyptian Revolutionary Council Statement on Sinai Bloody Events
Media Statements

Egyptian Revolutionary Council Statement on Sinai Bloody Events

The Egyptian Revolutionary Council says solution of Sinai issues lie in a comprehensive development program, not a brutal evacuation and displacement.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Sinai Massacre
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Sinai Massacre

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood issues a statement denouncing the violent attack in Sinai Friday, and mourning the dead soldiers

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Freedom and Justice Party Statement Condemns Unjust Death Sentences
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Statement Condemns Unjust Death Sentences

The FJP, the Muslim Brotherhood's political arm, slams mass execution orders by the junta, made through their subjugated judiciary, against January 25 Revolution leaders.

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Journalists For Reform Condemns Life Imprisonment, Execution Orders
Media Statements

Journalists For Reform Condemns Life Imprisonment, Execution Orders

In a short statement, rights movement Journalists For Reform (affiliated with the anti-coup Egyptian opposition) condemns absurdly unjust sentences against journalists, and stresses this will not terrorize them into abandoning their media mission.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on President Morsi Upcoming Court Sentencing Tuesday
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on President Morsi Upcoming Court Sentencing Tuesday

 The Egyptian Revolution is at a critical moment where the military junta, having failed to halt the growing protest and peaceful resistance movement, is endeavoring to push the country into a spiral of chaos using all tactics of repression, murder and torture.

After the coup's notorious security apparatuses, with their inhuman tools of murder, oppression and torture, failed to break the resilience and the will of the Egyptian people, the coup commander is exploiting the judiciary as a weapon in the battle against popular will and the democratic and revolutionary legitimacy represented by President Mohamed Morsi.

The ruling military gang is thus pouring oil on the fire of public anger. If the military junta and its loyal judges did not stop trampling the will of the people and their right to choose their leaders, disastrous consequences may indeed push the country into a dark tunnel.

President Mohamed Morsi is a product of the people's Revolution. He represents the will of patriotic Egyptian revolutionaries who have been flooding the streets and squares of Egypt non-stop for 22 months now. Every free citizen of the Egyptian people owes the legitimate President a pledge that they will never abandon.

The Muslim Brotherhood solemnly salutes the legendary steadfastness of President Morsi and the heroic resilience and devotion of the revolutionaries. The Muslim Brotherhood reiterates that its defense of President Morsi is indeed for the rights of the Egyptian people, their independence, freedom, dignity and the right to self-determination, not a defense of persons or positions. The Muslim Brotherhood believes that there is no room for compromise on these rights.

The Muslim Brotherhood calls on the masses of the Egyptian people to join non-stop revolutionary marches and demonstrations in all the streets of Egypt beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, in defense of their usurped will, for the restoration of legitimacy that the military junta has trampled, for solidarity and support for their legitimate President, having given him their trust in the only free and fair presidential elections Egypt ever witnessed throughout its history.

We will continue to honor our pledge

The Muslim Brotherhood

Cairo: Monday – April 20, 2015

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Muslim Brotherhood: Military Junta Continues to Hold Hostage Guidance Bureau Members
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood: Military Junta Continues to Hold Hostage Guidance Bureau Members

The Muslim Brotherhood affirms that the illegitimate military coup regime's crimes of abduction, enforced disappearance, torture and the fabrication of charges against members of the group's Guidance Bureau amount to war crimes that must be investigated and punished.

The group places full responsibility on the brutal coup regime for the safety of hundreds of kidnapped people who disappeared forcibly, especially four members of the group's Guidance Bureau. We are deeply concerned for the lives of the group's abducted leaders and hundreds of revolutionaries, as evidence abounds that the coup's security forces are routinely involved in use of inhuman torture devices and methods against all dissidents, as well as atrocities and crimes against humanity.

The Muslim Brotherhood asserts that the junta's policy of kidnapping, forced disappearance, torture and fabrication of charges against dissidents cannot be tolerated. Moreover, there is no telling what reactions some of these crimes may spark in the circles of those who have been afflicted by them.

Leaders of the group's Guidance Bureau so abducted and forcibly disappeared are beacons for the national non-violent anti-coup struggle, along with tens of thousands of men and women, young and old, who are facing military coup with their bare chests, with no fear of the military junta's bullets, detention or torture. And in their footsteps we follow.

The Muslim Brotherhood
Cairo: Sunday – June 14, 2015
For the original statement in Arabic:



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