Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Statement of National and Islamic Parties, Groups and Movements in Gaza Strip
Media Statements

Statement of National and Islamic Parties, Groups and Movements in Gaza Strip

On the third day of the Israeli aggression on the besieged Palestinian people in Gaza, national and Islamic parties and groups held an emergency meeting, and in conclusion issued a statement read to the media by Walid Awad, member of the political bureau of the Palestinian People's Party.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement Calling All Egyptians for Million-Man March and Rally Saturday in Tahrir
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement Calling All Egyptians for Million-Man March and Rally Saturday in Tahrir

Translation of Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Statement issued Wednesday, in which all Egyptians are called for a mass demonstration on Saturday, December 1 in support of ‘Legitimacy and Sharia (Islamic Law)’.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement: People Protect Legitimacy and Vote for New Constitution
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement: People Protect Legitimacy and Vote for New Constitution

Amid desperate and persistent attempts to keep Egypt in a permanent state of chaos and confusion, the Muslim Brotherhood and other patriotic pro-democracy parties and movements mobilize to defend the revolution, its achievements and the new constitution.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Wednesday’s Clashes Outside Presidential Palace
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Wednesday’s Clashes Outside Presidential Palace

Translation of the Muslim Brotherhood statement regarding Wednesday’s violent assaults against unarmed pro-Morsi demonstrators outside Itehadia presidential palace in Cairo.

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Islamist Coalition Statement on Friday December 7 Protests, Events and Clashes
Media Statements

Islamist Coalition Statement on Friday December 7 Protests, Events and Clashes

The Islamist Coalition condemns opposition attempts to topple the legitimate elected President and the nascent Egyptian democracy, saying all options for positive response are on the table.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement to All Egyptians Regarding Constitutional Poll
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement to All Egyptians Regarding Constitutional Poll

Brotherhood urges all Egyptians for positive participation in forthcoming popular referendum on the country’s new national charter, hailed by constitutional experts as the best Egypt has ever had.

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Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Constitutional Referendum Second Phase Results
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Constitutional Referendum Second Phase Results

The Freedom and Justice Party congratulates all Egyptians on 64% ‘Yes’ initial overall results in the country’s referendum on new national charter, where only 36% seem to have said ‘No’ to the basic law.

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Egypt Brotherhood Urgently Condemns Assad Use of Deadly Poisonous Gas Against Syrians
Media Statements

Egypt Brotherhood Urgently Condemns Assad Use of Deadly Poisonous Gas Against Syrians

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood issues a strong statement denouncing Bashar Assad’s reported use of non-conventional murderous gas bombs against revolutionaries in Syria.

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Freedom and Justice Party Statement on January 25 Revolution Anniversary
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Statement on January 25 Revolution Anniversary

Marking the 2nd anniversary of the January 25 Revolution, the Freedom and Justice Party hails the makers of the peaceful uprising, vowing to continue work for more freedom, dignity and justice.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Calls for Killing Perpetrators of Violence and Lawlessness
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Calls for Killing Perpetrators of Violence and Lawlessness

Muslim Brotherhood leader Dr. Ghozlan renounces calls by a certain scholar for killing of political leaders responsible for ongoing waves of total chaos, destruction and lawlessness across Egypt.

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