Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Presidential Elections – May 22, 2012
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Statement on Presidential Elections – May 22, 2012

Cairo – Tuesday: Translation of Egypt’s FJP statement regarding the country’s first real presidential elections in all its history.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Mubarak Trial Verdicts
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Mubarak Trial Verdicts

Absurd, illogical, unreasonable, is how Egyptian people, including the Muslim Brotherhood, describe the rulings issued Saturday in the case against ousted president Mubarak, his sons and his senior police commanders for killing over 850 peaceful protesters in the January 25 revolution that toppled the old regime.

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Freedom and Justice Party Statement on SCAF Meeting and Constituent Assembly
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Statement on SCAF Meeting and Constituent Assembly

In the after-shock of the old regime verdicts, the FJP decides not to attend a meeting called by the ruling military council for tomorrow (Tuesday), and affirms that a general broad-based consensus on the constitution-writing panel is to be achieved soon.

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Statement Regarding Morsi’s Conference with Female Icons of Egyptian Society
Media Statements

Statement Regarding Morsi’s Conference with Female Icons of Egyptian Society

Presidential contender Dr. Mohamed Morsi listens to Egyptian women’s demands, and explains to them his vision for the future of expanding opportunities for women in post-revolution Egypt.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement 1 in Response to General Shafiq’s Allegations, Black Propaganda
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement 1 in Response to General Shafiq’s Allegations, Black Propaganda

‘Big lies’, fabrications, deceptions and false information are Shafiq’s main weapons against the Brotherhood in his desperate race to Egypt’s top job, especially now with only days to go before the final runoff.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement 2 in Response to General Shafiq’s Allegations, Black Propaganda
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement 2 in Response to General Shafiq’s Allegations, Black Propaganda

Contrary to General Shafiq’s fabricated fantasies and fables, Dr. Morsi’s electoral program illustrates a great vision for the Suez Canal and the whole region surrounding it, promising tremendous development, advancement and prosperity.

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Statement by Ennahdha Party on Recent Violence in Tunisia
Media Statements

Statement by Ennahdha Party on Recent Violence in Tunisia

Following recent incidents in our country aimed at aborting the democratic transition and the comprehensive and profound reform programme underway,

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Press Statement by People’s Assembly Speaker on Constitutional Court Ruling
Media Statements

Press Statement by People’s Assembly Speaker on Constitutional Court Ruling

Even to the most casual onlooker, there seems to be truth in the suggestion that interim Prime Minister Ganzouri is delivering on his promise to dissolve Egyptian parliament, despite the heavy financial, emotional and political costs to the people and homeland, after threatening Speaker Katatni only a few months ago.

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Morsi Central Campaign's Statement on Constitutional Court Rulings
Media Statements

Morsi Central Campaign's Statement on Constitutional Court Rulings

After a court acts out of jurisdiction to dissolve the constitution-writing Assembly, and another acquits Mubarak’s top aides and police commanders of all murder and corruption charges, on Thursday another court acquits 5 police officers of murder, and yet another throws out disenfranchisement law, and aims to dissolve the first freely, democratically elected parliament, just as the PM grants state-of-emergency powers to military police.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Constitutionality of Disenfranchisement Law Decision
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Constitutionality of Disenfranchisement Law Decision

‘Let the people speak and isolate the enemies of the revolution’

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