Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Seizing a Historic Opportunity to End Torture in the Middle East and North Africa: Ten Steps Against Torture
Media Statements

Seizing a Historic Opportunity to End Torture in the Middle East and North Africa: Ten Steps Against Torture

Geneva, 10 December 2011. On the occasion of the UN Human Rights Day, the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) and fourteen partner organisations from eight countries in the Middle East and North Africa (see below) jointly call on all governments of the region to make the absolute prohibition of torture and ill-treatment a reality. To this end, OMCT and its partner organisations have set forth a “10 Steps” agenda outlined below.

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FJP Press Release No. (19), Second Phase Starts
Media Statements

FJP Press Release No. (19), Second Phase Starts

At eight o'clock, this morning, the second phase of the Egyptian parliamentary elections began. Right from the earliest start, this stage is marked with a huge turnout.

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FJP Press Release No. (20), 2nd Phase, Egypt's Parliamentary Elections 2011-2012
Media Statements

FJP Press Release No. (20), 2nd Phase, Egypt's Parliamentary Elections 2011-2012

The Egyptian people continued turning out in huge numbers to vote in the first day of the second phase of legislative elections, 2011-2012. This tremendous turnout is hailed as a clear sign of the people’s determination to move forward, pursuing the path of democratic transformation with steady feet, over all hurdles and obstacles.

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Egyptian Legislative Elections, FJP Press Release No. (21)
Media Statements

Egyptian Legislative Elections, FJP Press Release No. (21)

The first day of the second phase of the People's Assembly elections has come to an end, with voting turnout exceeding 30%. Many polling stations closed their doors with many voters standing in long lines eager to cast their votes, as happened in the Atfeih polling stations, in Giza governorate, as well as a number of stations in Beheira governorate.

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MB Statement on the Egyptian Cabinet Clashes
Media Statements

MB Statement on the Egyptian Cabinet Clashes

The Egyptian people were pleased for the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) supporting their blessed Revolution of January 25, 2011. They trusted SCAF to defend this homeland, protect the people, take control, and run the country for a temporary period, until an elected civilian authority with popular support assumes power and runs the country.

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MB Accuses SCAF and Gov't of Provoking Violence (Full Second Statement )
Media Statements

MB Accuses SCAF and Gov't of Provoking Violence (Full Second Statement )

The frequency of fatal clashes at this absurdly high rate, and at such highly sensitive and critical times, and the large number of dead and injured casualties indicate that there are certain stakeholders who are adversely impacted by the success of the revolution and the achievement of its goals of freedom, democracy, justice, security and stability.

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FJP Statement on the Escalation of Cabinet Clashes
Media Statements

FJP Statement on the Escalation of Cabinet Clashes

Ongoing violent clashes in the streets around the Egyptian Cabinet building, Qasr Al-Aini Street and streets of the surrounding area cast their heavy shadows on the Egyptian scene. Urgent action is required to stop these clashes. All parties, authorities and stakeholders must bear their national responsibility to stop the bloodshed and the chaos that tarnish the civilised image of the Egyptian revolution.

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Statement by Ennahdha On the Anniversary of the Tunisian Revolution
Media Statements

Statement by Ennahdha On the Anniversary of the Tunisian Revolution

Today 14 January 2012, the brave Tunisian people are commemorating the first anniversary of the victory of their great revolution which compelled the dictator to flee, liberated our country from authoritarianism, corruption and reinstated our people's sovereignty and dignity.

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MB Statement on Announcement of Egyptian Parliamentary Elections Final Results
Media Statements

MB Statement on Announcement of Egyptian Parliamentary Elections Final Results

Now that parliamentary elections have reached the end of the proverbial race track, and the final results have been announced, it is time for swelling hearts to subside, for tensions to recede and disappear, and for everyone to express respect for the will of the people and to thank the great Egyptian people for taking part in this marathon election, and for insisting on turning out to cast their votes as they felt the precious value of each vote and witnessed the integrity of the electoral process.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Port Said Massacre
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Port Said Massacre

The Muslim Brotherhood is shocked, saddened and dismayed at news of the massacre that took place in Port Said Stadium after Al-Ahly vs. Al-Masry match, and claimed the lives of more than seventy martyrs, with hundreds injured.

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