Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

Freedom and Justice Party Executive Office Statement on Constitutional Court Rulings
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Executive Office Statement on Constitutional Court Rulings

Faced with a vicious desperate push by the dark forces of bygone repression and ousted despotism, the Freedom and Justice Party urges all Egyptians to come out in support of the presidential contender Morsi, to quell the brutal attack on their revolution.

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Freedom and Justice Party Statement to The Great Egyptian People: Defend The Revolution and Your Free Will
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Statement to The Great Egyptian People: Defend The Revolution and Your Free Will

Defend The Revolution and Your Free Will.

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Morsi, Egypt's President-Elect, Victory Statement
Media Statements

Morsi, Egypt's President-Elect, Victory Statement

The first elected president in Egypt’s history celebrates victory in the final runoff after reliable tallies – from Morsi Campaign representatives based at polling stations across the country – show Morsi winning 52% of the vote.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on The Complementary Constitutional Declaration
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on The Complementary Constitutional Declaration

There is one word to describe the interim ruling Military Council (SCAF)’s rush to dissolve Egypt’s first ever freely elected parliament, ostensibly because the SCAF-made law on which parliamentary elections were based is flawed: COUP.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Unfolding Conspiracy Against January 25 Revolution
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Unfolding Conspiracy Against January 25 Revolution

Egypt’s Brotherhood statement about the organized chaos aimed at aborting the people’s revolution, violently and viciously targeting Islamists, without a thought to homeland stability, Egyptian sovereignty or the rule of law.

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Freedom and Justice Party Views Regarding Egypt’s IMF Loan
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Views Regarding Egypt’s IMF Loan

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood political wing, the Freedom and Justice Party, issues a statement detailing its views regarding the International Monetary Fund loan to the Egyptian government.

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Freedom and Justice Party Statement about Ongoing Clashes Outside U.S. Embassy in Cairo
Media Statements

Freedom and Justice Party Statement about Ongoing Clashes Outside U.S. Embassy in Cairo

Translation of the Freedom and Justice Party’s statement on the continuing clashes around the US embassy in Cairo, Egypt, as on Thursday, September 13, 2012.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Friday 12 October Protests and Clashes
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Friday 12 October Protests and Clashes

Regretting Friday’s unfortunate violent clashes, the Muslim Brotherhood rejects as utter lies and deliberate slander accusations laid against its youths who were indeed the victims of a sinister plot to attack, injure and vilify them.

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Amnesty International Demands Independent Investigation Into Rights Violations by Ethiopian Gov't
Media Statements

Amnesty International Demands Independent Investigation Into Rights Violations by Ethiopian Gov't

The Ethiopian authorities are committing human rights violations in response to the ongoing Muslim protest movement in the country.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Islamic Law and National Identity
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Islamic Law and National Identity

Translation of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood statement regarding Sharia (Islamic Law) and its importance in society, and therefore in the country’s new national charter.

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