Media Statements

Official media statements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the...

National Alliance in Support of Legitimacy Statement Condemns Coup; Calls Peaceful Protests
Media Statements

National Alliance in Support of Legitimacy Statement Condemns Coup; Calls Peaceful Protests

With military coup commanders, cronies and collaborators ignoring huge demonstrations by millions of Morsi and legitimacy supporters, NASEL urges for more mass marches and rallies.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement: New Massacre Committed by Egypt Police Monday, July 15
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement: New Massacre Committed by Egypt Police Monday, July 15

As ‘real’ democracy takes hold in Egypt, instead of protecting peaceful protesters, police protect hired thugs tasked with doing the state’s bloody dirty work, killing and maiming demonstrators with impunity.

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Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Heinous Massacre of Women in Mansoura
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Statement on Heinous Massacre of Women in Mansoura

A statement issued by Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood condemns the latest bloody massacre where hundreds of women were killed and injured by security forces, some of whom dressed as thugs.

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Muslim Brotherhood Vows to Continue Peaceful Protests Despite Threats to Disperse Sit-Ins
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Vows to Continue Peaceful Protests Despite Threats to Disperse Sit-Ins

Claiming to have a ‘popular’ mandate to quash anti-coup, pro-democracy sit-ins in Cairo and other governorates across Egypt, the military-installed Cabinet has authorized Ministry of Interior forces to take ‘all necessary measures’ to disperse protesters.

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Anti-Coup Alliance Statement on ‘Friday of Anger’ Violent Attacks on Peaceful Protesters
Media Statements

Anti-Coup Alliance Statement on ‘Friday of Anger’ Violent Attacks on Peaceful Protesters

Egypt’s pro-legitimacy coalition of groups and movements defending democracy condemn the latest wave of state-led violence and urges people to persist in week-long peaceful protests.

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Egypt Pro-Democracy National Alliance: Repression Fuels Revolutions
Media Statements

Egypt Pro-Democracy National Alliance: Repression Fuels Revolutions

The coalition of pro-legitimacy parties and movements warns against more oppressive and violent actions by coup security forces and absurd verdicts by pro-military judges.

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PRESS RELEASE: Where is President Morsi?
Media Statements

PRESS RELEASE: Where is President Morsi?

The pretence trial of President Morsi, the first democratically elected president of Egypt, was due to begin today on trumped up charges that hold no weight.

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National Alliance Statement: Anti-Coup Revolutionary Escalation Peaceful Despite Murderous Junta Violence
Media Statements

National Alliance Statement: Anti-Coup Revolutionary Escalation Peaceful Despite Murderous Junta Violence

Egypt's pro-democracy coalition seeks to unite revolutionary efforts, rejecting the ruinous coup and murderous military rule, before January 25, in a serious escalation of peaceful protest activities.

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Muslim Brotherhood Rejects EU Council Contradictory Conclusions, Statements
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood Rejects EU Council Contradictory Conclusions, Statements

While the latest European Union press release pretends to be whole-heartedly with the people of Egypt, it clearly accepts the murderous military coup and the sham referendum – thus evidently approving a non-democratic (military) procedure that trampled popular will, rights and freedoms.

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Muslim Brotherhood's Statement on Terrorism Designation by Saudi Arabia
Media Statements

Muslim Brotherhood's Statement on Terrorism Designation by Saudi Arabia

Statement about inclusion of the Muslim Brotherhood on the list of terrorist organisations by Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Interior

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